What is time? If time finds its meaning
in eternity, then you have to understand from
of this " Martin Heidegger, 1924
Club Conspiracy Clowns and their henchmen Dwarfs has not succeeded, despite the strong attacks that have been downloaded on humanity, it is partly for work and action of the Navy and Rumpelstinkys Zim. Zim Navy on a secret society created in the mists of time, some cited Hesiod as one of its initiators, others believe that it is not, but the words of The Theogony seems to refute those who say so. As you know any parishioner of The Recova (coffee favored by the Navy General Belgrano Zim) Hesiod was the creator of ethics based on the Justice and Peace Work in the eighth century BC. Alterations to the divine order were caused by the excess and destruction of "arete" Greek virtues all the words of the poet and his ideal support mentioned an August afternoon in the agora: "Greece has always been a poor country but It bases its arete ". Obviously this conception of pathos is not shared by the Peronist customers of the café and radicals, who feel more inclined to Homeric arete, far above the recommended since the epic and Heroism as supreme values. But apart from this digression secret and intimate, all drink coffee and possibly a national brand whiskey unnameable but doing so would invoke the infernal powers in Live. For more than obvious reasons, members of the Navy Zim when discussing these issues do not explain why 1. Everyone thinks it's an innocent coffee and discussing politics, when in fact they are talking about the destiny of the world ... So why do Zim what causes this kind of therapy? Precisely because and revealing their only therapy. Do not forget that the members of the armed black (another of their secret names inherited from the eighteenth century Freemasonry) are the creators and promoters of the Gestalt , the only known way to prevent the evil scourge of the dwarves and clowns.
apparent origins date back to 1879 when it created the Office of Experimental Psychology at Leipzig, where step by step and with more caution than those of Freud, were creating and guiding the fortunes of the psyche to "found" Gestalt officially in 1912. The need for the visible face of the iceberg was due to the inability to maintain absolute secrecy operation. The little history that has transpired in the Masurian Archives (formerly known Sérvulus Files for San Sérvulo, in Rome, San Gregorio, who writes that from his childhood until he expired lived paralytic lying on a porch next to the Church of San Clemente: and when he came close, with chants calling the Angels went on to the glory of paradise. Very often the miracles he works the Lord in the tomb of the saint, but mainly because despite his innocent miracle was who started the collection the secrets of this society intended to oppose the Dwarves and then in the Clowns. San Sérvulo, Says Catholic Saints, a good advocate to cases of paralysis. Marks, curiously, the same day as the Battle of the Masurian Lakes twisted fate of the Brotherhood of the White Dwarf when injected into the imperial Russian high command, moved 250,000 men to their deaths, just days after the defeat of Tannenberg, also at the hands of the Germans, who were obviously guided by the Navy through Ludendorf Zim 2 , who after a few years, betrayed by Hitler gave up and left to die with him his secret 3 , secret having fallen into the hands of the evil demiurge, had changed the face of the earth. )
ancient folios These files belonged to secret Vatican library, and that error or senility of old librarian was released in 1868, Father Benitus Dalla scombroid (and forced the "discovery" in the form of Cabinet Wundt's experimental psychology in Leipzig) will unveil some of the mystery. From 1895, death of the elderly in mysterious circumstances (he died of pneumonia in the Roman summer) went to the section published until 1923 when Pope Pius XI explicitly ordered his removal. Since that time a wooden chest without any major frills or signs, handed pontiff pontiff. They used to keep under the bed of the Holy Father (Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI) when in 1962 without knowing the reason piles into an old unoccupied shop on Avenida San Martin, General Belgrano, a place where a former politician old furniture stores, long-standing family tradition. Only have access to this cabinet, a dozen members of the Navy Zim means that even the local owner ignored, much as it has in custody this unpublished material. It could be argued about the lax security Junked this precious object in the middle of nowhere, because until now has been the safer existing cache, even more than the hold of the Titanic where a providential delay'm late, though not enough to condemn the vessel Clowns to freeze more deaths.
Navy Zim link with the Vatican since about 1000, since the time of Pope Sylvester II, better known as Gerbert of Aurillac, but his presence was strongest when he founded the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Originally called the Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition or Holy Office also. It was founded by Paul III in 1542 with the Bull "Licet ab initio" to defend the Church from heresy. In 1908, Pope St. Pius X changed his name to the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office. Finally, in 1965, received its current name under the pontificate of Paul VI. Through the filter of faith, Christianity tracked continuously looking for the wiles of the Twins, who had murdered at least two or three dozen popes and several imperial feudal kings and some in the tumultuous Middle Ages. The persecution of heretics and the burning of witches was an undesirable side effect, since not all members of the sacred congregation were aware of the true nature of the Navy.
However, despite their efforts, the defeat of Napoleon 4 cost them great losses in men and resources. Exhausted and a discredited institution at the time tried to manage the reaction following the defeat of Napoleon, but the new rulers of the Holy Alliance of Europe were no longer capable of being managed. A few decades of darkness seemed ostracized because dwarves had also been seriously reduced and appeared near the end and brotherhood when there were two events that would change the landscape.
The first of these events was the revelation of the Master Girolamus Astrocardius who after studying the course of the stars for several decades found in a remote town in southern America, General Belgrano, would open the portal that would resurface the Brotherhood of the White Dwarf. Suddenly there discovered the existence of the Order of the Clowns cruel and secretly encouraged the war between the two sides, which in fact occurred. The second event that changed things was the accidental revelation of the Navy Zim, Father careless of scombroid Dalla Benitus Vatican librarian in 1868 inadvertently revealed the existence of the Archives Sérvulus (or Masurian). A reckless statement in L'Osservattore Romano denying the importance of these files just pandering to encourage hundreds of researchers who took fragmentary notes and wove some implausible conclusions finally took as old wives tales or fables. Pero el secreto había quedado al descubierto y terceros, como la Sociedad Thule, los Teósofos de Mme Blavatsky y otros intentarían meter mano a estos archivos y secretos. Por ello la Armada negra debió crear la ciencia de la psicología. Porque la Sagrada Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe, la antigua Santa Inquisición, ya no era una cobertura aceptable. Era necesario, ante el avance descubierto por Girolamus, ofrecer un nuevo frente de batalla. Después del Concilio se determino que la nueva Armada debería integrarse al positivismo científico reinante que promediaba el siglo XIX. Contando con el secreto conocimiento del alma y sus resortes, diseñaron la base de la psicología experimental, guiándola paso a paso to the behaviorism of Watson and finally to the Gestalt. In an incredible display of audacity, the shock troops of the Army were captured dwarves Zim y. .. forced to do group therapy under the terrible rule Gestalt Approach ... Nothing better than fire to fight fire. The converts of the Brotherhood of the White Dwarf showed, despite being limited because not all managed to get through the Gestalt approach in one piece, be fierce and relentless with his former comrades. And in honor of the method must be said that never had relapsed cases 5 ; what could not be said of Freudian psychoanalysis in which the most desert and return to the old camaraderie dwarf (although full psychological trauma).
The Rumpelstinkys, so relentless advocates called the universal order of the Navy Zim, gave battle for the first time in 1893 when taking advantage of the Radical Civic revolt against the Government, and taking advantage of General Belgrano car police were quartered, they attacked the headquarters of the little door green. This short story, transcribed, belongs to the collection of The Fair, biweekly founded in 1905 by Francisco. Marquie. The article, published in Nos. 2 and 3, are sheltered in the Honorable Council of General Belgrano locked with the complete collection of publication ranging from 1905 to 1989.
" As our dear readers will remember when our village in 1893 serving his first year as General Belgrano, after gaining independence from Las Flores which depended on the name of El Salado, there was the second raising of the Union Radical Civic, which in our town had a bizarre and unusual note. Account (...) Don Apolinario D. Bassavilbasso the day dawned as usual in the fall is completely gray. A mournful quiet the trains ran for six in the morning and following non-circulating. In the cold mist a group of citizens went to the local police station. The police were quartered and the unprotected population (...) The telegraph had given the novelty of the revolution throughout the province (...) The active local committee had dispatched several military items, but the strangest of situations when a group lived dwarf in a circus, no doubt the company of Gabino Ezeiza (Celebrate payador nineteenth century radical trend, N. E.) who was at that time in the town. Without a word creole circus dwarves got into a fierce dispute shooting of revolvers (...) The assumed alarming proportions brawl when a gang of clowns most, people no doubt attached to the side of the Mitristas and since those days call them "clowns" although some argue that in fact they were supporters of Juarez Celman disguise. This theory is not shared by radicals who claim that clowns, Celman has too many ministers. Residents accounted for over forty shots, which were at the front of the houses of neighbors Tabossi and Martin, fortunately without more victim than a kerosene lantern that resulted interested in your deposit, which is a shame because to some that the municipality voting place it when the credit for lighting the town (...) Such political passions greatly altered leaving the neighborhood, giving thanks that no one in the town get hurt, nor deaths were recorded among the warring dwarves and clowns , it was not found to any injured or dead (...) was not really any of them but throughout the long season that followed the fall of that and fateful revolt " (The Fair, No. 2 p. 7. and sgte, Issue 3 pg. 11, February-March 1905)
Later in the next issue of local bi-weekly, a strong note of the local committee of the Radical Civic Union denies that such a brawl would have involved some of its members and that the apparent animosity Marquie because his condition was hopeless conservative.
bodies never were found, clowns Green herded the little door and Rumpelstinkys, meanwhile, took nearly a third of the members of the Brotherhood of the White Dwarf, of which only half a dozen survived and became popular.
1 the methodology of Gestalt proposes to change the "because" with "as"
2 Russians, displaced from the Balkan front, attacked in East Prussia. In front of Warsaw, Russian and German armies were each contained in the positions where the second attack in December 1914 Hindenburg. But new Russian troops attacked further north in the Masurian Lakes region (or Mazury) in an area especially difficult for military desplamiento, an area near the battlefield of Tannenberg where Germans and Russians had established their positions after the battle. The Russians advanced on both sides of the Lake, trying to dislodge the Germans from their positions behind them. However, in early February Hindenburg made a violent counterattack, starting with a new threat to Warsaw. The casualties were enormous. But it soon became apparent that the threat of Warsaw was a curtain, through which German forces moved quickly to numerous lakes, putting at risk Russia similar to another defeat at Tannenberg. In mid-February, the German forces had driven the Russians from East Prussia, and advanced strongly after crossing the border at various points in Russia. The Russians had to retreat within its own territory, following the rivers Niemen and Narew.
3 "Hitler was not Christian and most members of his movement was explicitly anti-Christian. Of course, Hitler adopted an attitude sometimes misleading. Never formally abandoned the Church, sometimes referred to "Providence" in his speeches, and during the first years in office attended several times a Church. In the 1920 Ludendorff told he had to hide his hatred of Catholicism because he needed the vote of the Bavarian Catholics as much as the Protestants Prussians - "the rest can come later" -. Its party program was intentionally ambiguous: "We demand freedom for all religious streams of the state, as not to constitute a danger to himself and does not militate against the customs and morals of the German race." These constraints should have been careful enough to alert an intelligent Christian. However, the belief persisted, especially among Protestants, that Hitler was a very pious man. They accepted his assurances reassuring when detached, or detach the movement if it was wise of the writings of men, for example, noted that Rosenberg's anti-Christian pamphlet entitled "The Myth of the Twentieth Century," included in the Index for the Catholics, was a personal position and not politics party official. In fact, I hated Christianity and showed a justified contempt for their faithful German " Paul Johnson, British Historian.
4 The nineteenth century began with the victories of Napoleon, who crowned his brother Joseph on the throne of Spain. In December 1808 the Court decreed the extinction of the Inquisition. Las cortes españolas que se oponen militarmente a Napoleón dictan una constitución liberal y en 1813 decretan la abolición de la Inquisición. En 1814, derrotado Napoleón y vuelto al trono el rey Frenado VII, restablece el Tribunal.
5 (Del lat. relapsus, part. pas. de relabi, volver a caer). 1. adj. Que reincide en un pecado del que ya había hecho penitencia, o en una herejía de la que había abjurado. U. t. c. s.