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Bill, to declare Illustrious Citizen of Buenos Aires Province Captain Rufino Solano

Provincial Senator Mariel Urruti presented today a bill that Captain Rufino Solano is declared Illustrious Citizen of Buenos Aires province for their heroic and humanitarian acts in the rescue of captives during the years 1855 and 1880, in the "Border Desert
should be noted that the initiative comes in the middle of October, when Dr. Omar Alcantara, a native of the city of Azul, Senator Urruti contact to express his interest in to pay tribute to Captain Solano with the aim of promoting and spreading the full knowledge of their existence and work providing a great cultural benefit, not just Blue but throughout the region.
In this sense, Dr. Alcantara, he approached the Senator a coarse material on the life and work of Captain Solano, from which it was designed and substantiate this bill, to make a fitting tribute to the Captain Argentine Army, which above all was considered in his own words "a faithful servant of the fatherland"

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azuleño Captain Don Rufino Solano, known and appreciated in Argentina's history as "The Diplomatic of the Pampas" and "The Peacemaker of the Pampas" or "Soldier of Peace", born in the city of Blue five years after its founding, acted on behalf of life, peace and freedom intervening closely with the highest authorities in Indian, military, political, church, private institutions and even private directory, thus saving thousands of lives thanks to their peace agreements and rescue and exchange of prisoners (both sides). This extraordinary activity is conducted over twenty year military career then continuing in office until his death in his home town of Azul, Province of Buenos Aires, which occurred on 20 July 1913. Initially

recognition and gratitude, making a wise and fair review of our historical origins and our past, the descendants of those people, as well as those who later arrived in the city of Azul to enrich it, have issued the following statement:


City Council BLUE PARTY

Act enact as follows.

Article 1: Designate the name of Captain Don Rufino Solano "The Peacemaker of the Pampas" the passage cadastral EUESB I. Quarter 1141

Article 2: Proceed through the area for the Executive Department, to the implementation of signage and appropriate signage as indicated in Article 1 º.

Article 3: The historical overview of the life and work of Captain Don Rufino Solano is part of this as Exhibit 1 and testimony, letters, newspaper articles and references are added to the reference file with digitized.

Article 4: CONTACT the Department.

GIVEN in the Meeting Room of the City Council of the Blue Party on the fourteenth day of December two thousand and nine.

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are reproduced below some sources taken into account, which refers specifically to the performance of this illustrious and very particular historical character of the city of BLUE and BUENOS AIRES .- Province:


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