Monday, April 26, 2010

Informations About 2 Sezon Huntik

The archaeological work at Puente Castro, third year without continuity / The Bridge arquiulóxicos trabayos Castru third annu ensino continuities

third consecutive year there will be no excavation in Puente Castro reservoir managers, José Luis Sánchez Lafuente Jorge Avello and are finalizing the book that will reveal all the findings of 26/04/2010 Hebrew city cristina Fanjul unknown in the history of Leon again be in "impasse." The reason must be sought in the two researchers are finishing the book that compiles the discoveries made over the years at the site of Puente Castro. .
addition, it should be noted that in this place lived most important Jewish citizens of the Kingdom, a discovery that explains not only the fort's population reached (about a thousand people), but the fact that most the inhabitants of this area receiving treatment de Mar - "title used only by those Jews who had achieved a remarkable level of recognition not only among the Jewish community but also between the Christian-". Chapter deserve the pieces found at the site, "millions" in the words of José Luis Avello. While most of them are poor from an aesthetic viewpoint, reveal valuable data to see how life in the fort. Thus, the professor said that the great variety of containers found in the dwellings hidden gastronomic wealth, a symptom of the welfare of the inhabitants of this place. In addition, the excavation has unearthed dozens of French coins, English and Muslim, which are traces of the big business that the Jews remained outside the Kingdom. This was also reinforced with unique finds, such as a canteen Andalus, a rare show outside the Muslim and bears witness to the economic prosperity that Jews lived in Leon. Furthermore, it represents confirmation that the Jewish community was responsible for meeting the real mandate and tax collection is one of the keys to understanding the sense of nationhood of the Jewish people. Do not forget that between X and XII century the Jewish population reached 600 people in a city that did not exceed three thousand. "It is clear that this was a constant dynamism group homes rose steadily, 'the directors of the excavation.

Source / Fonte: Diario de León

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Insurance Offer Letter



occasion of the project presented to the Honorable Council of Blue on March 17, 2010, which requested the change of street name Rauch by Rufino Solano azuleño citizen, I think its time to expose some of the reasons why I believe that Captain Rufino Solano should be duly recognized as a city, where in the past deployed and humanitarian charities to benefit this population.
Because, since its function of military actions that exceeded developed that were unique. Not trying him for his qualities as a soldier, but also had. Because
by its humanitarian work for decades in our history, freedom returned countless human lives.
because those lives were mostly women, children and even men who were living the most horrible situation that can cope with a human being in captivity.
For these women, children and rescued prisoners were not just people on your side, so were the opposing side. Rufino Solano
Because when released back to the people who lived in Blue was grateful with tears in their eyes and even kissing her hands.
Because the task of rescuing people have demonstrated courage, fairness and an unmatched toughness. Because
through its mediation and peacekeeping agreements agreed between the warring parties that prevented more bloodshed, absolutely useless and unnecessary. Because of their behavior
honest, upright and loyal, not only with his own, also to the other side, managed to gain respect, appreciation and consideration of all.
For the indigenous people trusted his word and only if Rufino Solano was with them they agreed to enter a parley in the cities or allowed access to their domains.
For not only was well aware of the ancient Indian language but also understand the soul, needs and suffering of Aboriginal people. Because
to possess these qualities was accepted by the indigenous people and was able to live with them, in their area and for many days, as if it were his own.
Because she was born, lived and died in Blue, serving and protecting its people, place where its assets came to him every once in a while and when he got old he was awarded only half board for being physically disabled, because his body was ride torn apart by tens of thousands of kilometers in the most harsh weather, saving human lives. Because your task
it was not easy or simple, Rufino Solano also once was taken prisoner and also lost several of their children at this very difficult time in the history azuleño.
Because she was born, grew up and became a man beside his close friend, the great chief Cipriano Catriel, both born in the same place and in the same year, staying together forever, even fighting side by side in tough battles and the Blue frequent attacks, except now, because the mural that commemorates the history of our city, is missing the figure of Rufino Solano, which is an unjustifiable omission or an unfortunate historical ignorance.
Because it was a companion, guide and support of many missions of the church approached our emerging strategic city for contact with the aborigines, it was also much delegation of indigenous people march to the capital of the republic, to meet with Mr . Archbishop of Buenos Aires and other government officials. Because no Aboriginal leader
confident words and promises if this was not the "brother Captain" Don Rufino Solano, who was entrusted to the lives of their children.
Because during its useful life benefited women, children, men of the society azulene, as well as many other populations of the province and even from other nearby. Because when Rufino solano
came to our city, with its precious cargo of human lives, was received amid great popular rejoicing. The same excitement and joy are living in tents, he arrived with the Indians released. Undoubtedly, many of which today we breathe, we do thank that existed.
Because until the end of his days struggled to improve the appalling conditions and the unjust situation of the indigenous people.
Because, in short, was a soldier of peace, life and freedom.
Because now inhabit the city of Blue and many other places in our province
maintain a great debt to him.
Because most proud of this azuleño was always to be "a humble and faithful servant of the Nation", as he himself used to say.
Because at this stage of our journey, reaching an age at birth bicentennial of our country, require that even we have matured and learned, not just issuing pompous phrases or speeches, but committing acts endowed with dignity and justice.
we must all be grateful and considerate, both our political representatives, as members of our institutions and ourselves, inhabitants of this land, because the ingratitude is the worst defects that may suffer a person or company.
Therefore, I ask all those who inhabit the city of Azul in support of this project, making the due honor of this illustrious citizen azuleño.

My Porclin Doll Worth Anything


Blue City, March 17, 2010


The Hon.
Honorable Mr. President of the Legislative Council of the City of Blue
Don Carlos Vignau
S_________________ / _______________D

of my highest consideration:
Horacio Omar Alcantara, a native of the city of Azul, being established for the purposes of this, at Avenida Perón XXX, Dept. "A", City of Blue expresses formally introduced me to the end petition the Honorable City Council of the City of Blue to proceed with legislation to treat the change of name of the current RAUCH street of our city by the name of Rufino SOLANO, under the rationale that next step to make.
That, as you know, in the city of Azul there is a street named for RAUCH, referring to Col. Frederick Rauch, however, that this person is reputable within the consensus popular as a grim and painful character of the history of Argentina, whose main mission was to carry out a systematic extermination of Aborigines.
That, about the vast majority of Argentina's history texts, if not entirely, refer to the Austrian, born in Prussia, as a soldier hired to commit the most flagrant atrocities within our territory, which set in now clear crimes against humanity. It is no accident that the Argentine military has wanted to make this cruel and inhumane mission.
That no interest to give written this a political tinge, it is clearly harmful and irritating the existence of a street named for Rauch in the city of Azul in a city where he lives and lives an important and ancient Aboriginal community, whose members just happen to be descendants of those who were brutally slain in the past, turning this street into a deep open wound that cuts through our city and it is impossible to heal. The various reactions that occur periodically as a result of this situation are clear evidence of what appears here.
That, Aduna to the above, the fact that the city has monuments, murals, squares, streets, private institutions, educational establishments and other testimonials to honor and recall the original people, causing a state of inconsistency and an obvious stinging contradiction.
That, in opposition to it, there in the city of Blue and probably elsewhere in our nation, fans that support and / or exalt the action carried out by Fred Rauch, without prejudice to any, could hardly provide positive arguments for this character.
That, paradoxically, there has been a native of the city of Azul, which is historically identified and recognized for being the antithesis of Colonel Frederick Rauch: Captain Don Rufino Solano, who in the past presented more than sufficient merit to be remembered in national history as "The diplomat of the Pampas," "The Pacifier" or simply , "Brother Captain," as was often referred to by the indigenous people. These reasons, by themselves, are fully justified and reasonable and appropriate changing the current street name Rauch, by the name of Rufino Solano.
That such a resolution would be a great benefit to strengthen the integration, harmony and social peace in our population, but also represent an act of justice to finish a valuable person who struggled for most of his life in peace, freedom and lives of their peers.
That, as such, it has been the master Rufino Solano parliament, releasing, leading and protecting thousands of human beings, always at the risk of his life, exceeding the specific features her as a military. And so, with a proverbial deal to the Aboriginal and won thanks to the prestige it enjoyed at the controls, managed to redeem PERSONALLY untold numbers of women, children and other prisoners on both sides faced, always led by a special feeling for the benefit of the genre, embodied in the figure of the captive lacerated. Moreover, as is only natural, of all those human beings recovered in the past by Rufino Solano currently exists a corresponding descent, both in our city and in many other populations.
That request is attached to this work was conducted by the undersigned, based on an abundant and qualified literature, which summarizes the significant performance of the Solano Captain Rufino, this biography reveals that he himself was the son of a co-founder Blue, Don Dionisio Solano, who was in 1832 the head of the caravan of our city's founding families, Lieutenant Patricios Regiment and the British invasion warrior, soldier and Manuel Belgrano Manuel Dorrego and for over thirty years was mayor of our city, died in Blue at 106 years old. I point the President to the remains of both lie in the local cemetery.
That, as solid and incontrovertible history of Rufino azuleño city Solano are ample reasons for this proposal and initiative is absolutely feasible and appropriate, although more recently the very Honorable Blue City Council has reviewed and examined the life, works and virtues of the master Rufino Solano and honor to it, the legislature has voted, unanimously approved and enacted Ordinance Number 2877 of December 17, 2009, concluding that the merits of Captain Rufino Solano are quite suitable and sufficient.
That, subject to well-deserved distinction that was granted by the City Council of the City of Blue on 17 December last year, it becomes much more timely and permitting the introduction of the captain's name to the current Solano Rufino Street Rauch by the fact that the passage in 1141 of the District Cadastral CESU, object of the aforementioned ORDINANCE NUMBER 2877, already had the name "April 25," referring to the founding date of that district, as stated in Ordinance Number 1465 of September 26, 1996. Therefore, with the approval of this project would also corrected the double taxation of passenger names to the 1141 cadastral Blue City.
That, in full accordance with the request, I would like to point to the President which is also pending before the Legislature of the Province of Buenos Aires BILL No. E 342, from 2008 to 2009, which is to appoint Captain Rufino Solano Citizen Illustrious of the Province of Buenos Aires.
That should be highlighted as test captain references azuleño Rufino Solano, the abundance of works produced by historians and writers most prestigious local, national and foreign, as well as the extensive and growing body of research papers, monographs , dissertations, presentations at prestigious conferences of Argentina and American history, that support and underpin this request. In all, without exception, highlights the unparalleled work of this character of our city, deserves the widest recognition in several countries and in different languages such as English, Portuguese, French, Swedish, idish and, of course, also in the indigenous language.
That, in addition, the beneficial and valuable action of Captain Rufino Solano is embodied in files, records and files of the most accredited public and private institutions, be they academic, social, ecclesiastical, military and all kinds.
That, finally, I point to the President that the actions of Rufino Solano have been examined from different perspectives of the history of our country, whether political, social, of the Church Institutions and Economic even, covering aspects relating to gender, human rights, ethnicity, linguistics, anthropology, archeology, religion, ethics, morality, etc., also introduced in almost all literary genres, including historical novels and prose.
That as a result, we can say without doubt that personality is Rufino Solano azuleño about which more is written in the texts, whether present as the past and makes it more remarkable the fact that in any reference you may find the slightest mention acting disvaliosa in maintaining the quality and virtues of this noble character, quite the opposite. In order to give true testimony of the above, is attached to this letter a list, not complete, of 9 (nine) pages that support the above.
That by your virtuous straight and proceed in an emphatic contrast with Colonel Frederick Rauch, Captain Rufino Solano averted many deaths and maintain peace in the region for over twenty years through peace agreements in person managed to capture one of the highest indigenous leaders and the national government, as I have said, all is perfect and well documented.
Que, contar con una persona de este calibre moral, ético y de tan alta significación histórica, representa para la comunidad azuleña e incluso para el país todo, un auténtico motivo de orgullo, además un ingrediente cultural absolutamente enriquecedor.
Que, poniéndome a vuestra disposición para cualquier aclaración y/o ampliación sobre lo expuesto, solicito al Honorable Concejo Deliberante de la ciudad de Azul que con la mayor prontitud posible, proceda a dar tratamiento legislativo a la presente iniciativa, a los fines que oportunamente sea sancionada la respectiva resolución que establezca que la denominación de la actual Rauch street is replaced by the name of Rufino Solano. Finally, I wish to express my proposition is interpreted as a contribution towards the peace and harmony in the city of Blue and also as a cultural contribution in the framework of the celebrations of the bicentennial of our country. In my opinion, a ruling in favor of the request, also constitute a positive attitude inspired political justice, reasonableness and equipped with a constructive social purpose. Sincerely Le
very careful:

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Gastroenteritis Priority Nursing Diagnosis

Course Chair "Alberto Benveniste" Caminhos da Inmortalidade nas Antigas Civilizações

The Chair of Sephardic Studies "Albert Benveniste", attached to the University of Lisbon, is organizing its first online course only in Portuguese. The same theme is as follows (information in Portuguese):

Imortalidade Caminhos da nas Antigas Civilizações Teacher: Paulo Mendes Pinto

From há millennia that mankind is confronted with time and with that ran this result: Death. The responses have been varied, but always the result of a deep concern. How to Overcome Death was one of the more existential questions worked out by the mythology of the Mediterranean.

With two distinct forms, surveys of humanity led to two response fields: on the one hand, some men could reach the limit of eternal life, as the case of Sumerian Gilgamesh, on the other hand, grew the religions they provide for his believers eternal life through the initiation and rigid moral codes muto. this course will follow the following topics:

- Gilgamesh and the first narrative of the Flood: that eternal life
or Gilgamesh?

- The biblical parallel of the first generations of Genesis;
- The Cycle of Baal and the fight against Death; - The mystery religions of the World Greco- Romano: Eleusis, Dionysus, Pythagoreanism.
weekly, with the online sessions to be available to 18 hours of each Monday in May, from April 22.

Registration for this same email.
Value of Membership: 50 Euros.
Information and registration, write to
cat.ests.s @
Professor Alberto Benveniste, by clicking here


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Wallet Medical Alert Card

The blog sobru'l IX Centenariu of Ibn Daud, trabayandu ambute - The blog on the ninth anniversary of Ibn Daud, working full


The blog dedicated to commemorate the ninth anniversary of the birth of Ibn Daud, which can be found by following this link

, is now fully operational. He joined the

Facebook page that had been in operation for some time, and has surpassed the 128 fans. In this blog we hope that the initiative continues, and recommend a visit to this page for mejor a un sabio injustamente olvidado.


El blog dedicáu a cellebrare el IX centenariu de la nacencia de Ibn Daud, que puede consultase sigiendu esti enllaz
, ta ya furrulandu plenamente. A él súmase la
fueya de Facebook