Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How To Write An Accident Agreement Letter

Malacology Interesting new data on the Bridge Aljama Castro - Interesting new data sobru malacoloxía of Puente Castro alxama Found

The medieval Jewish quarter only used as vessels molluscs
arqueomalacológico study can only show that these species were used as food, because the Jews considered unclean

The medieval Jewish quarter of Puente Castro, now a suburb of Leon, knew and used the shells of mollusks, but not used as food. An investigation by a group of arqueomalacología (a discipline that studies the remains mollusk found in archaeological sites) at the University of Leon had allowed some of the uses and customs of the Jewish Leon, which was inhabited in two different times in the tenth and eleventh centuries. Through the cuts and other changes in almost all the shells, the scientists were able to determine that these Jews were very faithful to their creed, because there are hardly any cases of shellfish used as food, considered not kosher

or impure by their religious precepts.
Carlos Fernandez, of the Department of Prehistory at the University of León, explains the importance of studying the remains of bones and associated molluscs power of humans in relatively recent times: "In general lines about, we have studied better eating habits of the populations of the Middle Ages written sources for the archaeological, and that this science is more focused on periods in which the remains can become primary information in the absence of written data. " However, the collected black and white need not be complex or faithful to the reality of an era. "The point of this research is that it complements the information that was written sources," said the expert.

The work, which was coordinated by researchers Victor and Eduardo Bejeda González Gómez de Agüero, analyzed the archaeological remains of molluscs found in the four examinations that have been made in the


Castro (castro of Jews in Latin), became known as the site in the Middle Ages. These deposits were led by José Luis Sánchez and Jorge Abello. "The medieval world was not richer than Roman, so there is very high consumption of shellfish from the general population," anticipates Fernández. In the case of the Jewish inhabitants of León, incorporated as a town a few miles away in the Christian city, consumption also was different. malacological remains collected, very few in number, can be divided into two types according to their origin: the river and marine molluscs. In the first case of the few rivers mollusks found, Fernandez said, "no witness evidence of having been worked for, for example, extraction of pearl", so they could serve food. Another case was the shells, "which had some type of drilling." Some examples are the scallops, the symbol of pilgrims to Santiago, which are perforated, or rounded shells. 1397124194


These changes find that the shellfish were more decorative use tool or food, "said the expert. In the Torah, in books like Leviticus or Deuteronomy, establishing the precepts by which Jews should regulate feeding time: the kosher . Food is kosher

(correct or pure) or non-kosher (impure). "With regard to aquatic animals are considered pure only if they have fins and scales", so the shellfish does not fall into this category. In Puente Castro "volumes are not large consumption of these foods, and existing ones need not be associated with Jews, Christians could have raised, for example. " These remains minority, "whose effect on minimum" contrasts with the traditional use of the shells. The scallops found, for example, "are among the trash, when for Christians is typically found in burials, since their use is associated with the Camino de Santiago." This fact suggests that the scallops, being large and deep, served as some sort of container, as now used in some households as ashtrays. 1397124194 Nothing pig. The study of the mammal fauna found in the Castrum Iudeorum follows the same line as that of the mollusks. "Again the Jews hold the precepts of what can and can not be consumed. For example, the presence of pig bones is anecdotal. " Keep in mind that along with the molluscs, the remains of animal bones to define in a scientific way what they eat old people.

Puente Castro provides very important data for the study of the Jewish population in the Middle Ages peninsular. At that time, many Jewish communities were built in the city.

Read the news in the online edition of Diario de León .

Monday, June 14, 2010

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Cal Gate of the Moors, which was meeting the Jewish tribunal / Afaya Cal Gate of the Moors, s'aconceyaba au court

The demolition of a house reveals one of the gates in the wall of Leon
On the old "door Moors Cal" or "Santa Ana" rose in the Middle Ages a stage in which the court met the Jews Leon Fonte / Source: Emilio Gancedo. Diario de León (6/14/2010) The demolition of an old building located at the corner of Calle Los Castañones Riaño the square in the old Leon has taken to light the remains of one of the doors which was the medieval city wall. After months of archaeological study, experts have confirmed that the door would be known as "Cal Moors" or "Santa Ana".
The remains of the arches are seen on a wall flanking the site now empty "do not correspond exactly to what would be the door itself, the span of the arch -" said the municipal archaeologist, Victorino García Marcos " , but rather tower structures that existed in that place, a tower identical to that rose on the other side of the door. "
Victorino García Marcos added that the other end of the Plaza de Riaño there are "leftovers of foundations" of the analog tower and, with respect to the arcs now discovered, has carried out its required review and documentation. The building that will rise on this lot will, therefore, to "integrate" these historical elements without destroying them. Court of the Jews. For its part, the archivist and historian Alejandro Valdez also recalled that the two towers flanking the arch, "to give us an idea, would like the arc is now preserved in Castle Gate, but older, of course, since this was a Gothic door. "

This researcher exposed as significant evidence between the two towers, and above the archway, there was a platform or stage "in which he met in medieval times, the proper court of Leon Jews." Visual Valdez as an example the Convent of the Conception, between Rua Street, San Francisco Fernández Cadórniga and to imagine what it would be lying on the stage beams. Valderas

adds that, through documentation, is also known that in the same place, at least during the XVI-XVII centuries, there was a chapel or alcove "with the image of Santa Catalina." "When the Jews were expelled from Spain in where they lived were placed saints or images dedicated to Christianize these areas frequented by the Sephardim, but precisely holy Jewish or converted (as St. Catherine of Mount Sinai or the mother of the Virgin, Santa Ana, which is named after nearby neighborhood .) "The other side was the synagogue and around the seven streets of the ghetto of Leon", says Valdez, and these places just decided processions Market Lady, it could have gone a long way straight towards the square Mayor: "It was to avert the Jewish memory of the place." The Moors Cal door was demolished by the City Council in 1868.