Extracted ARGENTINA CONTEMPORARY HISTORY 1862 to 1930, Volume IV, the academic historian P. Raul A. Entraigues, Published by the National Academy of History, Buenos Aires, 1967, Editorial Ateneo.
The December 6, 1913 died poor and darkly an old soldier in Blue, was Captain Rufino Solano. La Pampa owes much to that man. It was a humble servant of the country who, on several occasions, the risk of his life, came to Salinas Grandes in the tolderías of Calfucurá to rescue captives and engage with the Indians.
In 1864 he was lieutenant and served in the National Guard Olavarria. The following year, Col. Machado given the task to present to Calfucurá. Returned a sufficient number of captives rescued. Since then, Solano outfall became bound to the heads of the pampas. Had a special gift to treat them, based on kindness and understanding. In 1868 he was promoted to lieutenant and was transferred to the Colonel Francisco Elijah, which laid the foundations of strong Blanca Grande.
for its growing reputation in handling relations with the aborigines, the government promoted him to captain. In 1869, Solano spent a month in Salinas Grandes and returned to the barracks with 30 Christian captives. The following year he made another visit to the tents and returned with 20 white rescued. In 1872 he made several trips to Salinas, and other tolderías, getting bail in one of 40 women who had been captivated in the vicinity of Rosario, and cried his exile in Salinas Grandes.
A general orders Rivas fought in the bloody battle of San Carlos, recognized by the Indians, invited him to move to their ranks, such affection for her. Until 1880 it was always the messenger of Christians to the Indians, and as companion chieftain came to Buenos Aires, on secondment to the national authorities. La Pampa is indebted to this humble soldier with his good and "savoir faire", kept the peace in its borders for nearly twenty years. If all who understand the Indian problem had qualities had been saved much blood and many Aboriginal who had joined Argentina prepared a big, happy! In 1885, we share the ultimate satisfaction: to present in Buenos Aires the terrible and haughty chief Valentin Sayhueque. -------------------------------------------------
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