Excerpt from a text aimed at school teaching, which aims to teach children high moral values, ethics and nobility. The anecdote, of high educational value and training, shows unusual virtues clearly that the captain was gifted Rufino Solano .-
Nelson, Ernesto. Moral and civic . First Book. For 2 nd and 3 rd grade, p. 56. 2 nd Edition, Published by A. Kapelusz and co., Buenos Aires, 1937 .-
20. Loyalty to the Indians. Captain Rufino Solano, thanks to the loyalty he had shown in his dealings with the Indians, was the depositary of confidence. Calfucurá
When the chief of the Army was taken prisoner in Puan, Captain Solano hit a patrol of Indians was in command of the son of a chief. He confessed that they were going to catch the soldiers who could, to bring them as captives and take them hostage to gain freedom of Cafulcurá. Solano
dissuaded from his attempt, giving his word of honor that he would obtain the release of a prisoner cacique.
Back in Buenos Aires, Solano explained the situation, asking to help fulfill the promise he had given the enemy.
Fortunately, his conduct was approved, was promoted and was entrusted with the prisoners so that he himself will take you to the awnings.
This story also shows that although wild Indians, believed in the loyalty of others. And who believes in the loyalty of others can not be fair but himself when it happens.
1. Does not inspire confidence that did not show .- Mme. Riccobini.
2. A worthy man and when you know you can rely on it .- Samuel Smiles.
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