The outstanding shares of Captain Rufino Solano good of his community and many other towns in the Province of Buenos Aires are captured in a vast literature that has in the catalogs of prestigious libraries and cultural institutions in Argentina . Also, the life of this illustrious azuleño is in various works issued by the National Academy of History, written by the most eminent scholars who for decades have gone through this cultural institution of the highest excellence. All these texts are based and grounded in reliable official documents that have survived to this day, in the most prestigious procedure official and private archives, such as the Archivo General de la Nacion, the Argentine Army Historical Archives, the Historical Archives of the Province of Buenos Aires "Ricardo Levene" in the city of La Plata and the most important of the Province Buenos Aires, including our Blue City. For these reasons, almost a century of his death, with absolute certainty and security we can assert that no other person born in our city has been mentioned in literature as well as the foreign national. In case anyone had doubts about the reasons for this, without becoming a historical researcher, one must go to our cemeteries and read over the grave of Captain Rufino Solano the following epitaph: "THE BLUE CITY OF THE MASTER RUFINO SOLANO, RIP DIED ON JULY 20, 1913, this tribute captures the immense gratitude of the authorities and the population of this unique Blue to be on his heroic actions to of peace, life and freedom from their peers. In this way, the City of Blue wanted to deploy its final resting place in perpetuity, in order that his memory will endure and be part of genuine historical heritage of this city. It is true that the consideration for the master Rufino Solano circumstantially may vary depending on the class of securities or interests to encourage a particular person or group of them, but not least reality is that humanitarian actions developed by this worthy azuleño should be well above any personal interest to pursue, be it of a political, ideological, religious and even cultural. And this is so, the overwhelming reason that the actions carried out by Rufino Solano our grueling past benefited the entire population without distinction azuleño social or any other kind because they were in favor of all persons who inhabited this land, people who were, nothing more, nothing less, than our ancestors. As is common to happen, there are those who vainly attempts to impair its virtues and its trajectory, which it is much easier and less committed to contribute helpful and useful contributions to the community. This people I say, that Rufino Solano can be subjected to the most demanding test of honesty, courage and love for his people, a test that few could safely overcome successfully. Some of our citizens should understand that Rufino Solano already installed firmly in the history of our country and that any attempt to delete it from his most glorious, it will be absolutely fruitless. Surprising to find in some of our neighbors the attitude of undermining the importance of the actions of Rufino Solano, especially those that so often are seen declaiming about the sad events in our nation experienced as they have been violations of life and freedom, discrimination against women and the atrocities suffered by the indigenous people. Clearly, then, that this altruistic azuleño historical figure comfortably exceeds the virtues necessary to be remembered with honor and deserved the utmost gratitude. Finally, I want to express to all my fellow citizens that my sole purpose in saving lives of our history in this noble local character and that this serves to enlightenment and pride of the town of Azul, a city where I come into the world and I love so much, that no interest will ever be over this feeling. Yours with all kindness and affection: Dr. Omar Horacio Alcantara. HISTORICAL RESEARCH. ATTORNEY. SCHOOL OF LAW AT THE UNIVERSITY OF BUENOS AIRES. -
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