contemporary diplomacy and international relations factors
To recover a good argument they say, always begin with finding a team of authors who have conducted their studies in the same route yours, considering the minimal and almost no education on the subject of your server. A well-armed team of high quality literature and relevance. Under the agreement with the UNAM in database, I found a parallel publication percent at the end of this text: the study of the factors in the analysis of international relations, do you still work?
The first journal I opened I had a small part but not least the team of those who believe and consider determinants factors of international relations. This is Anette Baker Fox, presenting his assumptions and arguments from the seventies with publications like "The Politics of Attraction: Four Middle Powers and the United States" which presents the "important factors" for the unequal relations between states. As Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye, worked actor on "Canada" to highlight factors as the effect of distance "," communication channels ", as well as the spill-over, among others. [1]
Pereira puts us in the context of current research citing Marcel Merle, Raymond Aron, "If we follow the traditional classification developed by Professor Marcel Merle, some of these factors considered are as follows: space, wealth, growth, demographics, migration, national identity technical progress, ideologies, beliefs, inequalities, and cultural identities. "
proposes a list of effects of these determinants:
1. The change in international reality.
2. Progress de las ciencias sociales.
3. El modelo que da marco y guía el estudio de las Relaciones Internacionales
4. La consideración de los distintos actores y de los intereses que los mueven en el ámbito internacional.
¿Pero qué sucede cuando los actores de las Relaciones Internacionales se apropian de los factores ya mencionados como el espacio and economic flows that cause the crisis?
Raymond Aron points out above that any conflict situation forwarded to number, space, resources, schemes (military, economic, political) and in turn, these elements are the advantages of conflict between States. Even in a quick search I found that for the Offense-Defense Theory in International Relations (Offense Deffense Balance Theory) factors are home-base of the movement in the probability of war and crisis, increasing offensive operations and reducing costs.
All this translates into what we see everyday in the international situation. A constant change of actors and factors, or should we call them "conditioning properties of the actors" as Merle?
The analysis of the factors in the IRIB is implicitly views as ladel determinism that many authors are afraid from the sixties or perhaps from before to dismiss it or approach it differently. There MacIntyre's vision that positions the determinism and that element is no stranger to novels such as 1984 which controls our lives in one direction, but arose in order to cause and effect for medicine, for new inventions, ie to maintain the investment in each one such project in the natural sciences. However, when addressing the social sciences the problem is the responsibility of using determinism with a touch of morality.
In any case if we want to continue using factor analysis on International Relations then that approach must change or be deterministic replaced by a more flexible and responsive to the dynamics of international reality versatile. I think the problem of further analyzing the factors due to human and moral responsibility as suggested by MacIntyre. While the actors perform in a society of capitalist-type market, mutations and changes between them are increasingly rapid and unpredictable. States in power, analyzing it from a realistic perspective, which will accommodate the factors in the world of international relations. Then speak of a secondary level for the same actors as they are responsible for adapting the recipes of the world conditions that need to sustain their power. So then when the U.S. wants to stop migration from Mexico into the interior of his country, is responsible for distributing the drug factor blamed on Mexican soil or geostrategic factors shed new legal, economic, among others. This will cause a spillover of investment in the country, reduce the flow of international tourists, will bring changes that were pretreated from the Oval Room.
Another question: What factors are not the creators of the actors in international relations? Why then disappear factors?
The game or the scene of International Relations is a site-specific geographical place between actors known as states, corporations, IGO's, NGO's, and others depending on if we include the work of Keohane and Nye. Daniel Collard recognized as the geographical factor. We also find in his work factors such as climate, demographic, economic, legal, and State of Man. All of the above do not appear out of nowhere in the international game and while some attend properly to the planet we inhabit are not even close to knowing your changes as climate change, thus the average age land and a human being is not comparable and much research needed to approximate. Perhaps the geographical factor meets certain characteristics that leave the way open to determinism but present different situations demand. As our planet orbits the sun between perihelion and aphelion the situation repellent uses magnetism to solar radiation behaves in some way but before that Bradley effect nutation do not know if the historical evolution of the Earth to become poles in the seas and to Ecuador in a glacier. While human beings were born under certain factors (we might refer back to the beginning of all things a bit difficult even) after we become manipulators of reality to achieve specific purposes. Who will win the fight against climate change? Transnational corporations "green productivity", investors in these companies, automotive engine hydrogen, solar or nuclear power industry? They are the actors who take advantage of factors at the time of study.
If factors deserve a place in International Relations, should help us as instruments of effective and realistic prospects. We need to establish who the players are definitely involved and set the stage where they will perform.
The world is moving, the economic indicators of development retreat, a Mexican named Slim has more money than all OECD countries and international relations theorists are struggling to include it in the list of actors in international society. The same debate also arises whether India's geographical position makes it dominant factor of power in International Relations. The term sounds like a recipe we factor, to determine, old manuals premeditated and without adherence to international realities current. Served to justify the investment in new inventions, to save lives, educate society on the same guideline, but the internationalist work of the foresight on diverse subjects and the factors lose their strength by virtualization and multiplication of individuals, but arrive on time, but this sounds much like Asimov-idealist, which will be a single state and further reforms to the international study of an intergalactic and will change the actors and factors will change the business to support two separate ancient of the "salvation of human "in a resort on another planet. The theoretical question of the internationalists is today and should be: What t give them those power-sharing?
Bibliography and hemerography
1. AC MacIntyre. Determinism. Source: Mind, New Series, Vol 66, No. 261 (Jan. 1957), pp. 28-41Published by: Oxford University Press on Behalf of the Mind AssociationStable URL:
2. João Carlos Pereira. Dictionary of international relations and foreign policy. Ariel Political Science Series, Editorial Ariel, 2008, ISBN 8434418290, 9788434418295, 1005 pgs.
3. Gortzak Yoav, Yoram Z. Haftel, Kevin Sweeney. Offense-Defense Theory: An Empirical Assessment. The Journal of Conflict Resolution . Vol 49, no. 1 (Feb., 2005), pp. 67-89 Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. Stable URL:
4. Smyth, Elizabeth. International Relations Theory and the Study of Canadian-American Relations. eSource: Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue canadienne de science politique, Vol. 13,No. 1 (Mar., 1980), pp. 121-147
Smyth, Elizabeth. International Relations Theory and the Study of Canadian-American Relations. eSources: Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue canadienne de science politique, Vol 13, No. 1 (Mar. 1980), pp. 121-147
Yoav Gortzak, Yoram Z. Haftel, Kevin Sweeney. Offense-Defense Theory: An Empirical Assessment. The Journal of Conflict Resolution . Vol. 49, No. 1 (Feb., 2005), pp. 67-89 Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. Stable URL:
A. C. MacIntyre. Determinism. Source: Mind, New Series, Vol. 66, No. 261 (Jan., 1957), pp. 28-41Published by: Oxford University Press On Behalf of the Mind Association Stable URL: