Monday, November 22, 2010

How Long Do It Take For Flagyl To Work?

"The Embrace of believers" interreligious dialogue meeting held in Leon, a success Board of interreligious dialogue

On 11th November the auditorium of the Sierra Pambley Foundation hosted a groundbreaking initiative for the city of León, the first meeting for interfaith dialogue among the three great faiths monotheistic (Christianity, Islam and Judaism). Associations collaborated Ibn Khaldun, Tarbut Sefarad, and Muslims of Leon. The event, a real public success was moderated by Professor of the University of León Margarita Torres. By Muslim sheik spoke Moneir the Messery, imam of the mosque in Leganés, by Christian, Carlos de Francisco Vega spoke, an expert on interreligious dialogue of the Episcopal Conference, while Judaism was represented by Aida Oceransky, president of the Beith Emunah Jewish Community of Asturias.

Under the title "The embrace of the believers", the talk was to stress the emphasis on aspects that unite the three religions, condemning attitudes or violent extremists, according to the speakers, are seriously threatening coexistence.


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