Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Def Jam Interns Terrell


Written by Omar Horacio Alcántara, published on Sunday, 06 February 2011 in the El Tiempo newspaper in the city of Azul, p. 2 .-

All people need to have an identity, which is what identifies it as a community. It is good to know that its people have a common direction, beyond the ideals and pursuing individual goals each. Blue City has no identity, even worse, is composed of individuals belonging to closed sectoral identities, whose sole interest objectives of the group to which it belongs. It may be that some of these groups want to demonstrate or prove to be more open but almost always the ultimate goal is to impose their ideas, tastes and realize their own projects.

Some citizens feel proud to belong to a particular race, others to certain social and other pride themselves on their origins. In all social spectrum in our city mistakenly called cultural diversity. It is a grave error, nothing cultural diversity refers to the people.

People are plural, the plural society is genetically, the mentioned cultural diversity only refers to the distinctive elements that make each culture, which together form what is called Cultural Heritage. In this sense Azul has a rich cultural and historical heritage, it is undeniable. But people can not form behalf of the estate because this term is reserved only for things and property, people are not objects are subjects. To think otherwise is violating the dignity and human nature. Also things can not play each other, as do people.

It's great to feel proud to carry the name of our parents, but sometimes we wonder where do the names of them, the answer is simple: the other four names, those of our grandparents and the names of our grandparents of eight great-we all have, then of them, come the names of our sixteen great-grandparents and so on, then be thirty-two our ancestors, the sequence is geometric inexorable course. This means that within a hundred years, four generations, we have the blood and genes of sixteen people in our bodies, that is the same as saying sixteen different families. Moreover, people of every generation marry and procreate with one another and will continue in the future. Remember that Blue City is about to celebrate one hundred and eighty years, that is, we still have three more generations back.

think that some boast of belonging to a pure lineage, unique and often exclusive! Therefore, the word "diversity" when referring to human beings, only contributes to separate and slice up as azuleño that I have learned very well.

We assume the reality of that history and culture of our city extends from Catriel to Cervantes, without excluding any stage or supremacy over another, since each is the foundation and source for the existence of following and will continue into the future. Blue City does not start when we are born into it or come to live there, it was present before and there when we're gone. That's why we have a unique identity, which must be plural and integrated, as are our bodies, but unfortunately we still have to integrate it into our minds. Assume a plural identity, no doubt, will benefit us and future generations, this is so in all people who respect and value their traditions, tradition does not mean just the old or primitive, this word is synonymous with transfer of continuity.

This is the fundamental purpose of community space azuleño identified with the name of BLUE PLURAL. / azul.plural

And Taking the example of the early life of Blue, the captain's actions azuleño Don Rufino Solano, who rescued hundreds of people, mostly women and children both from one side and the other. All those rescued did not die then continued with their lives and formed their own families, many of them are part of our primitive ancestors and probably also merged those who came later to live in this beautiful city. As stated above, who can say now with absolute certainty, not descended from those who rescued and protected this humble but worthy azuleño. It is likely that had not existed, you would not be reading this article.

Author: Omar Horacio Alcantara .-


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