On a mission for his superiors, Captain Rufino Solano went to all the legendary Juan Calfucurá Araucanian cacique (Stone Blue) This time, his task was to reach a peace agreement to avoid war with the indomitable chief. After long speeches and talks, agreed to give Calfucurá Solano thirty-seven captive, of which seven belonged to Bahia Blanca (Fortin Estomba), which the captain felt safer first to carry Blue and from there sent under secure custody until their hometown. Idea a las que los aborígenes se opusieron, resolviendo que una comisión de ellos les acompañarían hasta la ciudad de Bahía Blanca.
Salió la comisión indígena, pero en las cercanías de aquella ciudad, una partida del coronel Murga los confundió con indios malones y los pasaron a cuchillo. Entre los indios que integraban la comisión venía de jefe un hijo de Calfucurá y de segundo, un yerno de este cacique. Las cautivas fueron llevadas a Bahía Blanca. Pocos días después otra comisión de indios pasó por allí y avistó los cadáveres de sus compañeros, regresando raudamente a Chiloé informando el macabro hallazgo a Calfucurá.
Entretanto, el capitán Rufino Solano was still in Chiloé hoping to gather more captive azuleño to get going to the Riviera. The terrible news caused a great upheaval brought in tents, the Indians were mobilized and threatened to spear Solano, his men and captives. Account Solano, who were housed in a store to order one expects to exterminate them terrible blows were heard outside the store and several spears crossed the flimsy leather inches from their tips to their bodies. He immediately ordered a court-martial that quickly ruled the death sentence of Solano and his men. Meanwhile, the poor captives were fading dreams of freedom and crying uncontrollably.
After the meeting, himself strongly moved to Solano Calfucurá, sword in hand, in order to comply with the ruling, Solano, quiet and without losing your temper or his composure, staring into the eyes of the chief spoke in their language and began a long speech which highlighted the sincere friendship that united them, the assistance provided by the Indians on several occasions and wrong of the ruling. Told the chief that the blame for what happened had it themselves, he recalled that his son had written the notes and that he himself had proposed taking them to the Blue and then send them to Bahia Blanca. After a dramatic silence with which his words were received from the judges revoked the sentence Indians suddenly lowered his arm wielded Calfucurá and nodding his head and realized his mistake, he looked as Solano and uttered the famous phrase that transcended time: "You're right, son, so do not kill you" and threw his sword to the ground, ordered his Indians to leave. This decision, allowed to continue living at Solano and his men also recovered captives days after their cherished freedom.
Salió la comisión indígena, pero en las cercanías de aquella ciudad, una partida del coronel Murga los confundió con indios malones y los pasaron a cuchillo. Entre los indios que integraban la comisión venía de jefe un hijo de Calfucurá y de segundo, un yerno de este cacique. Las cautivas fueron llevadas a Bahía Blanca. Pocos días después otra comisión de indios pasó por allí y avistó los cadáveres de sus compañeros, regresando raudamente a Chiloé informando el macabro hallazgo a Calfucurá.
Entretanto, el capitán Rufino Solano was still in Chiloé hoping to gather more captive azuleño to get going to the Riviera. The terrible news caused a great upheaval brought in tents, the Indians were mobilized and threatened to spear Solano, his men and captives. Account Solano, who were housed in a store to order one expects to exterminate them terrible blows were heard outside the store and several spears crossed the flimsy leather inches from their tips to their bodies. He immediately ordered a court-martial that quickly ruled the death sentence of Solano and his men. Meanwhile, the poor captives were fading dreams of freedom and crying uncontrollably.
After the meeting, himself strongly moved to Solano Calfucurá, sword in hand, in order to comply with the ruling, Solano, quiet and without losing your temper or his composure, staring into the eyes of the chief spoke in their language and began a long speech which highlighted the sincere friendship that united them, the assistance provided by the Indians on several occasions and wrong of the ruling. Told the chief that the blame for what happened had it themselves, he recalled that his son had written the notes and that he himself had proposed taking them to the Blue and then send them to Bahia Blanca. After a dramatic silence with which his words were received from the judges revoked the sentence Indians suddenly lowered his arm wielded Calfucurá and nodding his head and realized his mistake, he looked as Solano and uttered the famous phrase that transcended time: "You're right, son, so do not kill you" and threw his sword to the ground, ordered his Indians to leave. This decision, allowed to continue living at Solano and his men also recovered captives days after their cherished freedom.
Cutolo, Vicente Osvaldo, BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY NEW ARGENTINE ELCHE Editorial, Buenos Aires, year 1995.-Osbaldo
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