Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How To Cut A Tapeup Hair Cut

everyone speaks of "idealism"

Out there in the international environment, there is pessimism, which many know as my teachers internationalist realism and defined as a theoretical currents classical thought. They do not require more steps forward when you get caught and anarchy without reason wanders everywhere. At UNAM, we are recycling machines, become el smog en ideas (así me gusta creer), pero aún existen aquellos cultivos de fanáticos que promueven todo lo contrario al debate abierto y a la libertad de expresión; una contaminación del fin último de nuestra máxima casa de estudios. Es fácil infectarse pero llevamos (la mayoría de las veces) siempre desinfectante con nosotros en caso de necesitarlo.

Se dice que el optimismo es de los débiles, de artistas a embajadores filántropos, millonarios pero estoy seguro que no es de gente sin quehacer. Las utopías son ( para algunos fueron) deseos y necesidades conjuntas de una escasez ya insostenible. El techo maltusiano se explicaba esquemáticamente con la parte superior a home and now needs a building to do so. But here in the capital, the "nullity" exacerbates the idiosyncrasies of a Hobbesian world , nothing more.

Even so ingrained bad habits and environmental degradation . Women still walk behind manly passers preventing their movement effect of the purchase of loose cigarettes, this "forbidden" and stops a huge line that travels to the subway. The richness of that granddaddy of people, of the harmonious vibrations of a morning greeting, this is vanal and untimely: always be late to the minds of those who are disposed to give the good morning. When one has a good time does not radiate the vibe, and should.

remember at some point in my life I traveled and lived Garrick's poem of Juan de Dios Peza for declaim against my colleagues. One of the lines read: "The carnival in the world deceiving, since life is brief masquerades, how true it was to understand reality as that theater actors immeasurable them and names changed. Dynamic with many functions and most acts with that ounce of irony to appear.

is March 2011, was born 21 years ago, and true for me there since then because maybe my senses are judges of what has happened to me and will continue to happen (not the only ones I trust.) But then transcend the dull reality has nothing to do with looking for something different? I refer to the encounter with those who like me, you keep the idealistic spirit but walk with realism daily.

It is time and it took us to begin the catharsis as people of one world. What is everyone's right and what limitándote someone else wrong, but a smile to the doorman, a handshake with your peers, that is wanting to achieve a dream. And we will succeed. Vaccine your world of what we already know exists and miss the front page of newspapers nationwide. Everyone talks about "idealism" (change his words your newspaper, do it with style ).


Friend Engagement Sms Messages


Verses in Hebrew and English Poetry Day

Margalit Matityahu Israeli poets and Ascher Reich presented today 'Doubt'

Source : La Crónica de León

Fulgencio Fernández / Leon

Acts of World Poetry Day, which yesterday made poems to reach neighbors mailbox neighborhoods of San Pedro Las Huertas La Palomera, offer this afternoon (at 20 pm in the auditorium of Town Hall) a very different time, which will be poetry distant / close, a documentary and a book.

At that time will present the book 'Doubt', in Margalit Matityahu and the documentary "Toledo, the hidden secret", directed by Jack Mattathias. The author of the book (also producer of the documentary) will be joined by poets Asher Reich, Israeli, and Leon Rafael Saravia, of Lethe.

This evening with 'echoes in Hebrew and English' on Leon again to Margalit Matityahu, common in these lands in recent years since she herself is descended from Sephardic Jews and Leon, which is offering a series of recitals in Spain accompanied by Reich. Margalit Matityahu, born in Tel Aviv, uses the Judeo-English (Ladino) and Hebrew in his compositions. Her poems have been translated from other languages \u200b\u200binto English, Italian, Serbo-Croatian, Dutch, and German.

Asher Reich, born in Jerusalem in the heart of an Orthodox family, studied Hebrew Literature and Philosophy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Since 1961 has published thirteen volumes of poetry, including them 'Zrihat Layla', 'Al Avodot Nyar "and" Musikat Horef. " The intensity of his poems, and sensuality of her images are mixed with quotes from the Talmud and the Bible.

The documentary "Toledo. The hidden secret 'is the second in a series of documentaries that trace Jewish traces in Hispanic culture. "An encounter between past and present that reflects the history, culture, music, folklore, literature and other aspects of Jewish life of the time with Toledo, which was the city of three cultures, as a protagonist "explain the authors, the Matityahu.
The other reason the act is the presentation of the book 'Doubt', the repeated Margalit Matityahu, who had devoted his literary production primarily to poetry in Judeo-English, but book now presented in Leon begins his work as a fiction writer in prose fiction. "This is a series of short stories, of unknowns, situations in which many will find experience, or at least own feelings known."

Acts of World Poetry Day continue to be held in León. On Wednesday, a storyteller ("The Prince of Horeb ') and Thursday, with another much closer ("The Lady of Arintero ').

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Iphone Alarm On Silent

Presentation of "Doubt," by Margalit Matityahu, and the documentary "Toledo: the hidden secret" (Leon, 22-III-2011)

The next day will be presented March 22 in Leon's book Doubt, the Sephardic poetess Margalit Matityahu, a descendant of Jews Leon. The play, written in Ladino or Judeo-English, is the latest creation of poetry, published by Hebrew Publishing in collaboration with the government agency Casa Sefarad-Israel.

The event will begin at 20:00 hours and will have the following agenda:

- Presentation book Doubt. In the presentation table Margalit Matityahu accompany Ms. Mrs. Evelyn Fernandez, D. Asher Reich and D. Rafael Saravia.

of the documentary "Toledo, the hidden secret , filmed with the cooperation of Mattathias and his son Jack continued that it was dedicated to Leon (Leon : reunion )

- Questions from the audience.

Day: March 22, 2011

Place: Auditorium of the City of Leon. C / Alfonso V, s / n

Time: 20:00

View larger map

Friday, March 4, 2011

New Adult Channels On Hotbird2010

School Students in the World Youth Conference 2010

Monday October 18, 2010

School Students in the World Youth Conference 2010

Adrian Roa Mendieta

The World Youth Conference 2010 (CMJ), held from 23 to 27 August in the city of León, Guanajuato, aimed to summon government officials and leaders youth to discuss and promote the empowerment of youth as a key factor in meeting the millennium development goals.

About 213 ministers Juven-
magnitude, as well as 213 Organization
organizations Nongovernmental
governmental organizations (NGOs) provenian-
TES of 153 countries met to discuss and reach the now Declaration called Guanajuato.

The Declaration contains substantial agreements that will define the direction of not only youth, but throughout the world. Issues such as poverty, hunger, education, culture, health and gender equity, to name a few, were addressed during this conference. This paper was presented at the High Level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly of the United Nations from 22 to 25 September.

To make the work of the great event to reach your goals and the activities of the conference focused on youth was also concocted by young people, youth leaders convened originating from different latitudes of the planet join forces. Thus, an army of volunteers was recruited and trained.

"Bringing together youth from around the world, whether they are volunteers, ambassadors, ministers and delegates, is a point to locate where we are and what actions to take," said Oscar Contreras, a graduate of Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM) and coordinator of the Volunteer of the CMJ.

Among the more than 400 volunteers are participating students representing public and private universities from different countries and states of the country, who had the opportunity to make known their views and learn the culture and mindset of young people from other regions.

National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), to pass through the FCPyS, contributed significantly to this great event to train for three days (from 6 to 8 August) and in its facilities, to about 120 Young people from all universities in the country for recreation and leisure, as well as sensitizing workshops.

was through Dr. Fernando Castañeda Sabido, director of the FCPyS, as was to publicize the conference and who facilitated the use of the facilities of the Authority to carry out training of national volunteers.

El programa de voluntariado fue coordinado por no más de 10 jóvenes líderes de diversas universidades del país; la UNAM y su FCPyS fue la mayormente representada por cinco alumnos que coordinaron diversas áreas.

El área de Asuntos Generales del Programa de Voluntariado, punto toral de la organización de la conferencia entera por su nivel de complejidad, fue coordinada por las estudiantes de Relaciones Internacionales, Paula Saucedo y Valentina Martínez. Las alumnas de séptimo semestre, coordinaron el grupo más grande de voluntarios que se desempeñó en la mayoría de las actividades de la conferencia.

Por otro lado, la carrera de Administración Pública tuvo también representation in such coordination. Matienzo Carlos Zamora, entered in fifth semester, was in charge of Public Relations Volunteer Program, constantly attending to the general coordinator of the program, Oscar Contreras. Alain

Zaragoza, who besides being a student of International Relations, is considered a passion for photography, served as volunteer coordinator image, with responsibility for young students in the area of \u200b\u200bcommunication.

On the other hand, Adrian Roa, who is currently pursuing the fifth carre-half of the ra
Hundred-quences of Communica-tion in
FCPyS focused on the press area, sending newsletters salient facts developed during the day. Importantly

student participation Carlos Alba, the 9 th semester of Civil Service, who served as Technical Advisor. He played an important role in the CMJ, as he was in charge of managing the relationship between the General Coordination FCPyS and Social Forum (NGO's and Global Interactive Forum).

addition, during the event was a panelist in Tables "Is there gender equity among young people" and "Youth participation in consultative councils." He was also an observer of the Forum of NGOs and Government Forum.

Thus, the CMJ positively influenced at the School, encouraging future graduates to develop in the desired professional field.
PHOTOS ALAIN ZARAGOZA (1) Group of young volunteers in the CMJ. (2) Activities of volunteerism in the FCPyS.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Alot Of Thick White Discharge At 39 Weeks

Overview of the Global Economy


                Capitalismo Global, multifactorial concept that is addressed in the text of John Borrego in the Nineties to show the scenario that was obtained from a prospective analysis of the capitalist system does not distinguish center and periphery, which uses new responses to the developmental capitalism, search a restructuring of the distribution of power over the huge flows of capital and is inclusive for systems like the socialist revolution without underestimating the inherent result of political and economic changes within the same system.
The author discusses global corporations as "central axis" of global capitalism and mentions 5 of the main mechanisms of capitalist accumulation: capital, technology, communication, marketing, and work process. [1] From these variables we turn to the STS cases analyzed here parallel to the text and the complexity of understanding the integrative and pervasive economic phenomenon known as global capitalism.

In DNA (the metaphorical way) of capitalism, protein synthesis began to occur from accumulation and concentration. Began at the local and then crossed the borders. Since protein synthesis is a process of constant and dynamic replication, the same can be inferred that happened and gave life to the next stage of the system. The behavior of global capitalism can be seen as a prokaryotic cell with all its specialized agencies working together to run with it. The real problem would be to outline the domination of some of these bodies over others, which does not exist or at least it was not considered within the natural sciences in the study of the cell. Why is there an accumulation of power in few hands or companies? Is the question to be developed.

Without historical scales, the author does not include an introductory guide to the study of how they came into the powers of the multinational oligopolistic sectors, perhaps because he wanted to explore comprehensive and clear analysis of the "masters of money in the world ". But reducing the sentence to money would stop to consider that there other than money, financial flows and different types of natural resources are the main source of these riches.
It tells the author 7 sisters of the OPEC oil indisputable surplus of 115 billion dollars for 1980, an organization that includes oil strategic planning and proactive policies to adapt quickly to the different stages of the world as for example for current cyclical Jasmine Revolutions in the Middle East and their impact on mineral oils. It is a clear example of that time has been wise to determine your board game of chess is to unite to destroy all competition outside these large corporations. 40 years have passed since we could enlist in the 7 largest corporations in the world to 5 oil including Exxon, Shell, Mobil, Texaco and British Petroleum, with reserves ranging between 48,052 and U.S. $ 103.143 million (1981) [2] .
Even more interesting is to keep track of current investments These brands such even today eg Exxon, now merged with Mobil (November 1999) and is therefore ExxonMobil is investing 5.000 million dollars in developing oil fields in Malaysia with her friend Royal Dutch Shell [3] . British Petroleum even with the change of CEO and some challenges proposed by ecological damage Donate to Hole in the Gulf of Mexico, has gone ahead with these adversities and has "left no bonuses to executives directly responsible for oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which has seen so far cost about 41,000 million dollars (29.565 million euros) for the multinational. " [4] Still approved an investment for the exploitation of hydrocarbon deposits in addition to purchasing contracts Relliance India to pursue a number of 20.000 million dollars in the matter [5] . in India. Consequently, we can see the timelessness of power from the '80s and even before they had these big corporations in the world. As icing on the cake would be the English news of ExxonMobil's earnings by 9.907 million euros in its English subsidiary contracted with only one person in your balance. This is achieved through entities holding foreign securities that can turn around the fiscal operations of tax collection and give the image of a "tax haven".

In this new architecture of states or international consortia in the world by the size of assets we can see that in the middle 80's 8 of the top 10 banks were Japanese. It was the rise of domination Nippon bank that would become the current JPMorgan and Citigroup is worth noting the huge amount of money being spent to save the U.S. financial system in 2008-2009. Linking it to the text would be "a new articulation and synthesis of global production system under the hegemony of finance capital, the centerpiece of the global capitalist system." [6]
When and prepares the world for changing the English bondholders to U.S. customers preferred to have rates of course higher profits which would be the semi-peripheral countries and peripheral integrated into the logic of increasing transnational banks but still unsure of the ability to pay its customers. It is a "restructuring of the capitalist order" with the deepening of inequality at all levels and integrated places in the world. All are drawn into the satanic mill was talking about Karl Polanyi. [7]


With 44 million poor people in the world [8] and even 8 Millennium Development Goals United Nations, the hopes of not contributing in the system of global domination of the bourgeoisie is overwhelming and inconsistent. We are under the scrutiny of a "mosaic of inequality [9] done all workers have been peripheral, the most powerful manufacturing force in the world that requires them to migrate seek better employment opportunities but is this a re proletarianization damaged by the huge capital flows that run between the capital markets. Women were for the author This article of the 90 powerful force today I would have succeeded in demonstrating its power under the logic that Bachelet leads WOMEN A hard about the future of all of them and what must be done to the productive labor force which should ensure by a fair labor, though in this world is difficult to achieve.

[1] Borrego, John. Global Economy: Context of the Future. Economic Research Journal 191, January-March 1990. P. 160
[2] Ibid. p. 162

[3] Elffie Chew. Exxon, Shell to Invest $ 5 Billion in Malaysia. " Wall Street Journal, January 11, 2011, revised on March 1, 2011 in the URL http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703791904576075162354088974. html

[4] EUROPA PRESS. BP leaves bonuses to managers responsible for the disaster of the Gulf of Mexico. "SOCIAL EP" London March 3, 2011, revised on March 1 in the URL http://www.europapress.es/epsocial/rsc/noticia-bp-deja-bonus-directivos -responsible-catastrophe-Gulf-mexico-20110303140608.html

[5] EXPANSION. BP purchase contracts to India's Reliance to 7,200 million dollars. Expansion Magazine, February 21, 2011, revised on March 2, 2011 in the URL

[6] Borrego, John. P. 172.

[7] Carlos Barba Solano, José Luis Barros Horcasitas, Javier Hurtado. transitions to democracy in Europe and Latin America . FLACSO Mexico, 1991 - p.138.

[8] World Bank 2011. In the world there are 44 million more poor people by rising food prices . Tuesday February 15, 2011, Diario Financiero, Santiago, revised on March 2, 2011 in the URL http://df.cl/en-el-mundo-hay-44-millones -de-pobres-mas-por-alza-en-precio-de-alimentos/prontus_df/2011-02-15/142116.html

[9] Borrego, John. P. 182