Out there in the international environment, there is pessimism, which many know as my teachers internationalist realism and defined as a theoretical currents classical thought. They do not require more steps forward when you get caught and anarchy without reason wanders everywhere. At UNAM, we are recycling machines, become el smog en ideas (así me gusta creer), pero aún existen aquellos cultivos de fanáticos que promueven todo lo contrario al debate abierto y a la libertad de expresión; una contaminación del fin último de nuestra máxima casa de estudios. Es fácil infectarse pero llevamos (la mayoría de las veces) siempre desinfectante con nosotros en caso de necesitarlo.
Se dice que el optimismo es de los débiles, de artistas a embajadores filántropos, millonarios pero estoy seguro que no es de gente sin quehacer. Las utopías son ( para algunos fueron) deseos y necesidades conjuntas de una escasez ya insostenible. El techo maltusiano se explicaba esquemáticamente con la parte superior a home and now needs a building to do so. But here in the capital, the "nullity" exacerbates the idiosyncrasies of a Hobbesian world , nothing more.
Even so ingrained bad habits and environmental degradation . Women still walk behind manly passers preventing their movement effect of the purchase of loose cigarettes, this "forbidden" and stops a huge line that travels to the subway. The richness of that granddaddy of people, of the harmonious vibrations of a morning greeting, this is vanal and untimely: always be late to the minds of those who are disposed to give the good morning. When one has a good time does not radiate the vibe, and should.
remember at some point in my life I traveled and lived Garrick's poem of Juan de Dios Peza for declaim against my colleagues. One of the lines read: "The carnival in the world deceiving, since life is brief masquerades, how true it was to understand reality as that theater actors immeasurable them and names changed. Dynamic with many functions and most acts with that ounce of irony to appear.
is March 2011, was born 21 years ago, and true for me there since then because maybe my senses are judges of what has happened to me and will continue to happen (not the only ones I trust.) But then transcend the dull reality has nothing to do with looking for something different? I refer to the encounter with those who like me, you keep the idealistic spirit but walk with realism daily.
It is time and it took us to begin the catharsis as people of one world. What is everyone's right and what limitándote someone else wrong, but a smile to the doorman, a handshake with your peers, that is wanting to achieve a dream. And we will succeed. Vaccine your world of what we already know exists and miss the front page of newspapers nationwide. Everyone talks about "idealism" (change his words your newspaper, do it with style ).