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School Students in the World Youth Conference 2010

Monday October 18, 2010

School Students in the World Youth Conference 2010

Adrian Roa Mendieta

The World Youth Conference 2010 (CMJ), held from 23 to 27 August in the city of León, Guanajuato, aimed to summon government officials and leaders youth to discuss and promote the empowerment of youth as a key factor in meeting the millennium development goals.

About 213 ministers Juven-
magnitude, as well as 213 Organization
organizations Nongovernmental
governmental organizations (NGOs) provenian-
TES of 153 countries met to discuss and reach the now Declaration called Guanajuato.

The Declaration contains substantial agreements that will define the direction of not only youth, but throughout the world. Issues such as poverty, hunger, education, culture, health and gender equity, to name a few, were addressed during this conference. This paper was presented at the High Level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly of the United Nations from 22 to 25 September.

To make the work of the great event to reach your goals and the activities of the conference focused on youth was also concocted by young people, youth leaders convened originating from different latitudes of the planet join forces. Thus, an army of volunteers was recruited and trained.

"Bringing together youth from around the world, whether they are volunteers, ambassadors, ministers and delegates, is a point to locate where we are and what actions to take," said Oscar Contreras, a graduate of Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM) and coordinator of the Volunteer of the CMJ.

Among the more than 400 volunteers are participating students representing public and private universities from different countries and states of the country, who had the opportunity to make known their views and learn the culture and mindset of young people from other regions.

National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), to pass through the FCPyS, contributed significantly to this great event to train for three days (from 6 to 8 August) and in its facilities, to about 120 Young people from all universities in the country for recreation and leisure, as well as sensitizing workshops.

was through Dr. Fernando Castañeda Sabido, director of the FCPyS, as was to publicize the conference and who facilitated the use of the facilities of the Authority to carry out training of national volunteers.

El programa de voluntariado fue coordinado por no más de 10 jóvenes líderes de diversas universidades del país; la UNAM y su FCPyS fue la mayormente representada por cinco alumnos que coordinaron diversas áreas.

El área de Asuntos Generales del Programa de Voluntariado, punto toral de la organización de la conferencia entera por su nivel de complejidad, fue coordinada por las estudiantes de Relaciones Internacionales, Paula Saucedo y Valentina Martínez. Las alumnas de séptimo semestre, coordinaron el grupo más grande de voluntarios que se desempeñó en la mayoría de las actividades de la conferencia.

Por otro lado, la carrera de Administración Pública tuvo también representation in such coordination. Matienzo Carlos Zamora, entered in fifth semester, was in charge of Public Relations Volunteer Program, constantly attending to the general coordinator of the program, Oscar Contreras. Alain

Zaragoza, who besides being a student of International Relations, is considered a passion for photography, served as volunteer coordinator image, with responsibility for young students in the area of \u200b\u200bcommunication.

On the other hand, Adrian Roa, who is currently pursuing the fifth carre-half of the ra
Hundred-quences of Communica-tion in
FCPyS focused on the press area, sending newsletters salient facts developed during the day. Importantly

student participation Carlos Alba, the 9 th semester of Civil Service, who served as Technical Advisor. He played an important role in the CMJ, as he was in charge of managing the relationship between the General Coordination FCPyS and Social Forum (NGO's and Global Interactive Forum).

addition, during the event was a panelist in Tables "Is there gender equity among young people" and "Youth participation in consultative councils." He was also an observer of the Forum of NGOs and Government Forum.

Thus, the CMJ positively influenced at the School, encouraging future graduates to develop in the desired professional field.
PHOTOS ALAIN ZARAGOZA (1) Group of young volunteers in the CMJ. (2) Activities of volunteerism in the FCPyS.


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