Thursday, March 31, 2005

Dbz Fusion Chi-chi E Bulma

As human beings reproduce

Perhaps today almost everyone knows at least the general, human reproduction and sex determination by permutation of the pairs X and Y chromosome in 23 °. This scientific knowledge has been extended recently by findings that have determined that the power of female gene is much more complex and powerful that they burden men with a significant amount of information encoded in DNA way. But until a few and nearly one hundred years, these mechanisms were virtually unknown. Mendell, the first statement of the laws of genetics was ignored even in its time and only after his death his theories gained ground and were eventually accepted. Reviewing the history I have found a rare document entitled "Embryology Sagrada (Madrid, 1848) written by the priest Innocent IPEN Le Grand, which exposes the fashionable theories about sex determination at conception. First


Hippocrates system that ensured that the semen of men, women and mixed and that the stronger of the two produced a fetus from her sex. This view was followed by Aristotle, and has had great turnout in schools.


The Descartes, who supposed that the mixture of the two produced a fermentation semens which originated the fetus. Some naturalists have admitted this fermentation, for the reproduction of plants, others have argued that the semen was mascula acid and alkali female, and that they occurred a chemical salt. Vieussens admitted the semen full of spirits. Helmocio ensured that the material supplied seminal female and the male a kind of spirit or seal vital. Others have loved each animal semen enclose a report or parts of an animal that attracted later and met. (...) The female is the one that gives the seed preparation, and the male's sperm is the one that excites, and enlivens. Third


The former have argued that the right testis of males, and the right cavity of the parent individuals produce males and females were spawned on the left side. Parmenides, Anaxagoras, Aristotle, Hippocrates, and Galen followed this opinion. Democritus, Pliny, and Columella, have also argued that tying the right or left testis to a ram, did you breed a male or female, as wanted. Has not ceased to be sectarian doctrine, but its falsity the experience shows, because there have been many men lacking a testicle that has begotten children of both sexes. Also male fetuses were found in the left side and female on the right, finally, there have been a woman who have destroyed the right fallopian tube conceived a boy and a girl. Fourth


Buffon admits generation a middle ground between Hippocrates and Democritus says that the semen is extracted from all parts of the body: it is a meeting of organic molecules that are the parent figure in an interior mold. These organic molecules always living, serving nutrition and movement of animals and plants, passing on from body to body. This view is similar to the system of panspermia, Heraclitus, and Hippocrates (lib. of diaeta), and renewed by Perrault, Gerik, Wollarton Sturm, Logam, & c.

Assuming that parents, mothers and supply of all parts of his body molecules to compose a being they seem, can not explain how the butterfly occurs in their eggs, all the robes, and wraps successive tracks, that she lacks, and they have to leave their eggs. Assuming a father and a mother of one arm crippled, or a dog and a bitch both with the docked tail, but children will be born with two well-formed arms, and dogs with a regular-sized tail. Here, then, nature herself correcting defects generators beings. However, dogs without tailed and external ears, may eventually breed puppies undocked, and earless, as well as other more perfect, although the nature aspires to regain the prime rate species, which is your model.


Diogenes Hippone, and all the Stoic school admitted that the fetus was produced by the male semen only, not the mother serving more that development, including land on the point.


the ovarian system, recently renovated by the famous physiologists Dumas and Prevost, according to this system, semen contains sperm crowd of little animals themselves able to become man-like beings, who in the act of generation are released by the fallopian tubes to the ovaries, donde después de una acción de guerra sangrienta, propiamente dicha, perecen todos, a excepción del que ha de ser anidado en el huevo destinado a recibirle. Por esta hipótesis, en el parto de dos o más gemelos han sobrevivido a tan singular batalla dos o más animalillos espermáticos.


El sistema de los huevos producidos por la hembra sola, y de su movimiento: ha sido admitido por Swamimerdams, Malpighi, Harvey, Valisneri, Plonequet, y Graaf, que los han descubierto en la mujer. Esta opinión que es la más seguida en el día, no está libre do algunas dificultades. Es evidente que el esperma del macho modifica mucho los órganos, and the structure of the embryo in the mule, or hybrid. So the horse ridden by a donkey produces a mule, which participates in two nearly equal. But this system of germs belonging only to females, very well explain the spread of aphids without the intervention of males. Eighth

epigenesis, ie partial formation, and subsequent fetal system known as Aristotle and Galen, has been renewed for Descartes, Harvey, Furberville, Noedham, Muller, & c., but Wols especially caught his core strength. The same has to be what some believe this physiological century with the name of the organizing effort formativus misused, vital principle, these are Blumembach, Barthez, many others. Cudworth plastic shapes are similar to this view, as well as the attraction of the parties and the superstructure of the bodies supported by Maupertuis. As the bodies are not visible until they have gained consistency and opacity, it seems to make one after another. So the heart or the salient point (puntum saliens) is the first thing you see and so the spine: After the large arteries and veins, muscles, bones, and finally the membranes. But the nature throws his works in the mold at one time, which is seen in the perfect symmetry and the antagonistic forces of the various parts of the body, such correspondence may not be established but by a harmonious effort. Each member is so appropriate to all others, and together with such sympathy, not more than an individual being. All parts of the body are also involved general temperament: the lowest fiber is closely attached to this single individual, their gender, their sex, age, and their [habits: live your life in general, competing for the same purpose with all others, and ultimately, the individual is unique, it would be impossible if each body was formed from parts produced in many times and without a power that works concert, and even time everywhere. (...)


Bonet, Spallanzani, and schools in Italy have followed the view that pre-existing germs are created from the beginning of the world but embedded in each other and develop on. Has cited a single example of this inlay J. Ch Aug. Otto, De faetu puerperal women in faetu faetu Seu, epistle. Weissenfeli, 1748 in 4 °. This female fetus contained another within, but this example does not prove anything except that it was an eyesore, as we see sometimes within another egg, lemon or other lemon. Adopting this view on the other hand inlay of germs and their existence before the act of generation, it follows that Eva had to have all the germs of men born and unborn on the land until the end of time, and the same in every species of animals and plants. This sausage is the division of matter to the [25] infinite, because it is required not only all the germs that are carried on, but all those who miscarry or develop, or die before they reproduce, with the whole series of generations that have occurred.


The panspermia hypothesis that we have mentioned. In this scenario assumes that all nature is full of germs, or subtle elements to form own any being. These germs welcomed with food, air, water, land, & c., in living bodies as they apply to their substance, go to your semen, and there they are able to reproduce the same being which are assimilated. Passing these germs to other beings, molds to your shape and leave it had previously. Thus all matter, placed in suitable circumstances, it is capable of producing a being the whole of nature is nothing more than semen and generation. Eleventh


Pythagoras and Timaeus

Loera admitted that the generation Connections made by numbers or harmonic, and Plato, ideas are the early forms of all bodies, all beings are organized by a model archetype, or ideal, and as a ternary proportion and symmetry. This triangular harmony is the mysterious image of the generator, the one in which it generates, and what is generated. The animal world is the prototype of all others, and from it emanate all the stocks. Twelfth


According Parmenides, heat, and cold enough to form new beings: the males are conceived in the right side of the womb, and females in the left region. Empedocles, looking at the formation of new beings and their destruction as mixing and separation of the elements, he argued that there was no real generation. Moisture, or water elemental, it was as such the principle of generation. Thirteenth


Stahl believed that the soul had the power to raise and organize the fetus, and admitted a spirit Helmoncio trainer, a seminal idea in the womb, explained the birthmarks by the emotions of the soul. According to these authors, the sperm was alive somehow liquor, which transmitted to the fetus's soul and moral qualities, and physical, of the father.



After generating the stake gemiparos or led to believe that the baby belonged to the female, which was in some way an emanation.

These are more or less the views of all philosophers on the generation, we have taken the famous naturalist mentioned, for more like short and compendious. Philosophy played endlessly on the creation of man, but the Theologian founded in the text of Moses confesses that the generation coming of intercourse between man and woman without the need to further deepen mystery to resolve any difficulties that may arise. All want any issues arise in this area are always wrapped in thick darkness. Even physiologists have not agreed on whether the design is different or not the generation whether or not unlike the time of the fertilized germ that we intended: what conditions are necessary or not for a woman to be fruitful, if more than the way they are delivered with more ardor to the pleasures of love that they are naturally cold. On this we can ensure a woman who has eight sons and two daughters, all adults, which provided that the court reaches of Penance certainly not to say that ignores how the lord has given such a long succession as never experienced any pleasure in the conjugal act, the same we have heard say several other ladies, not without succession, on the contrary is seen in women vicious or at least many of which involved in excess nature of the joys of marriage to be infertile. not see the issue resolved on the spot where conception takes place, some say happens in the womb, as is commonly the fetus develops in it, other than in the ovary from three days after the fertilized egg matrix, and tasting it for the destruction of the fetus have been found in the ovaries of some women, and several examples of abdominal pregnancies, and several experiments to try, including those of Nuck, three days after intercourse, tied one tube of the uterus in a bitch, and twenty one day after two fetuses found between the bond and the ovary which proves the conception outside the womb.

Here's how to date little progress has been made in this matter, and we can assure to Fermin, the work of generation is one of the most impenetrable mysteries of physics, or one of the secrets of nature is hidden. However repeat with the Abbe Spallanzani, who Although it says it is a secret of nature that there is more to be admired, which investigated, we must not indulge in idleness, but to continue our research and more when so much has paved the road.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

When Is The Premium Bond Draw

idiolects! This is a discussion

reading time ago in a place a discussion, just could not help but draw a parallel with that sometimes occur in the blogs. Because beyond idiolects (hehehehe, not what they think, is: "1. M. Ling. Set of features typical of the way of expression of an individual." Royal English Academy), there is something unknown number called "argumentation." And is this strange power to propose a thesis (or idea) supported in compelling reasons, the same as a contrargumentación or rebuttal. Yes or do need to speak in the nature are those that are. Far we are when we read certain taradeces, too far we expect that certain "Australopithecus" will be able to deliver something more than "idiot" or guttural sounds denoting the same tenor.

Is what we are against these good people? No, no way, are free to continue to demonstrate that the distance between apes and mankind runs through them. Under no circumstances is thought to limit their already limited capacity of expression, on the contrary the idea is to show that you can maintain a height and capacity dissent exposition of ideas. This short compilation of a list of Philosophy-from what I can make bias-is accessible to understand and exciting. Here it goes: Anthropology

0015 Date: Monday, March 31, 1997 20:32:10 +0100
From: Peter Bellarmine /
Title: The Bushman dissected

Friends of the list, I retired lawyer, I have lived over forty years out of Spain, and find great entertainment online. Wanted to introduce here the issue of anthropology dissected Bañolas Bushman, current for some time in the English press. For friends outside of Spain briefly summarize the recent history of the case. Darder Museum in Banyoles (Gerona) is conserved in decades, the stuffed body of a warrior Bushman, dressed in white trousers and spear in hand, in a display case, which apparently was bought by the collector in Paris Darder century XIX, and shown in a context of natural history of man, along with other stuffed animals. About five years ago some pure spirits began their protest, accused the museum of racism, disrespect by a human being, and so on. The protesters carried its sensitivity to the authorities in some African countries, which demanded, through diplomatic channels, the Government of Spain, the withdrawal of his cabinet stuffed Bushman. The mayor of Banyoles, which had previously ignored the criticism, pressure from the Foreign Minister, Abel Matutes, decided last month to remove the Bushmen of the circuit that could be visited by the public. But apparently not enough. It was not enough in the warehouse detain relic Museologists Association of Catalonia considers "high net worth and museum." Federico Mayor Zaragoza, a senior Unesco maximum, has proposed moving the warrior "in his home country, Botswana ', to get there burial (note how Botswana, republic born thirty years ago the former British colony of Bechuanaland, has become the hand of the head of the Unesco a nation of warrior Bushman, who more than belong to the Kalahari Botswana). Joan Solana, mayor of Banyoles, now proposes to incinerate the body of the Bushman dissected and bury the ashes in the cemetery of the city, not to hold any type of ceremony (as if it were not already a cremation ceremony) or put in no memorial tomb (which will not be so grave, but landfill ash) for he says, "not to feed future controversy." In many natural history museums, history of science, human history, there are dummies that represent Australopithecus, cavemen, soldiers, warriors ... What difference do these dummies with the Bushman dissected Bañolas? Well, sawdust, wood or straw is covered with cardboard, cloth or plastic instead of human skin parchment. Wanting to incinerate the Bushman is intended to test disappears, but in proposing to bury the ashes in the graveyard, do not search may permit "rest in peace" while waiting for his soul is reunited with his body? These days We also discuss about the mummy of Lenin, which is dissected as the Bushman, but mummified with a special embalming technique requires high maintenance costs: Ho Chi Minh, Agostino Neto, or Kim Il Sung are also mummified, available to pilgrims and tourists, and no demands for such a display. And what about Egyptian mummies. Should they be incinerated and buried in a garden of the British Museum? Jeremy Bentham, sitting in his chair, or stuffed in a closet still in the staff room at the University of London, and every time there's meeting the cabinet must be opened so that mummy can continue to carry the particular obsession panoptic expressed in the will of Bentham. Would you be the turn after the Bushman of Banyoles, the body of Santa Teresa or many relics that Christianity continues to admire (because at the time were not burned or buried)? The next step, once out of respect have been quietly withdrawn from circulation all the relics, mummies, embalmed bodies or dissected, will occur when the defenders of animal rights (non-human) protest the display of many animals ( nonhuman) stuffed in so many cabinets and museums. At the end of the John Paul II has recognized that animals (nonhuman) have, however imperfect, its particular soul. If only as evidence that for decades remained a warrior Bushman stuffed into a museum of natural history should be preserved as a relic. And if you calculate the sensitivity of tourists can be hurt, may withdraw from the public circuit, as is often placed in secluded collections jars with deformed fetuses dipped in formaldehyde. It's funny that those who want to destroy the evidence, as if nothing had happened, seeking to restore the human sensitivity to such repair always neurotic, have no qualms about turning a blind eye while exploiting dozens of African illegal workers in agriculture Catalan present. Of course, the sheets, drawings and photographs of books ethnology and anthropology have their days numbered: that of Botswana as they learn that in many classical works displayed their ancestors without the shirt and tie, which, despite independence, they have left behind the British.

Anthropology 0019 Date: Wednesday, April 2, 1997 9:58:22 +0200 (METDST)
From: Xavier Martinez Allué /
Title: Re: Bushman dissected

A nuncio that I am a friend and companion of Dr. Arcelin, Cambrils physician who started the controversy bushman soldier whose remains are used to attract the curious, to clear doubts. But I would run away from the controversy itself and would make the announcement in the preceding paragraph and which has more to do with social anthropology to physical anthropology. The body of Banyoles is that, a corpse. Not a stuffed black, not a warrior. If it was a professional soldier, we should respect as the people here and instead of contempt, granting professional status. He was a soldier. A military heroism in our culture we keep in effigy, usually in more or less equestrian statues in our squares and avenues. I can not see the mummy of the Cid in an urn. What matters is the document. And give each one the name it deserves. Is not "the Banyoles black "beyond what Dr. Arcelin might be" the black of Cambrils' live for now and a health care professional people. How about THE CORPSE OF A SOUTH AFRICAN MILITARY PAST CENTURY preserved to illustrate Darder museum visitors?

Anthropology 0020 Date: Wednesday, April 2, 1997 19:01:26 +0100
From: Peter Bellarmine /
Title: Neither military nor the bushman soldier

Friends List Xavier Allué sends a first (I guess) answer to Bushmen bañolense comment on the document or historical-anthropological relic that the authorities want to transform the object preserved in a glass case Darder Museum in ashes buried quietly in the cemetery of the beautiful town of Girona. I suggest, before moving on, clarify concepts. First: Allué says that this is not a warrior, but a "soldier Bushman ',' a professional soldier 'claims that" was a military man. " Please respect the concepts: Allué clergyman or priest called a shaman or a witch? Soldiers and military are jobs that require an organization that exists only in the city, the civitas, the state society, civilization. Guerrero goes tribal use in pre-state societies, if only for abuse of the terms might be called "war" to what the bushman did: the Yankees are so glad you mention in your story the Seminole Wars, like the Punic Wars, but do so in order to raise the consciousness which was no more than a butcher. Bushman, as such, ie not as a soldier in the service of his gracious Majesty (and is not the case, as the Banyoles is not about British uniform but tribal loincloth) may be a hunter, but military never . It could be a healer, but no medical tourism nor could call their walks Kalahari. Secondly, we are Allué says no to a "Black stuffed" (note: I always have called Bushman, and only once mentioned quotation marks around the popular derogatory racial epithet) or to a "warrior", but against a 'mortal remains' against' a corpse. " "Blow death" and "corpse." Well either. I have in my hands a magnificent nineteenth-century tome, bound in full leather: I can say that my book is surrounded by the "remains" of a cow, which is bound between a "dead"? Nor are 'mortal remains' or 'body' stuffed animal or the mummy (the transformations performed by the taxidermist or make disappear the embalmer precisely the dead: a well-cured ham is not Patanegra corpse or remains of the holy pig from which it derives). I suggest to a friend Allué carrying the argument to another field. Bushman is not preserved in the Museum of the Army (which at best are kept stuffed the horses pulling the carriage in which Alfonso XIII was attacked), or a Diocesan Museum (although, as is the case you may be able to achieve some mosen to start a process of beatification), or the National Science Museum (where they have a thousand stuffed animals, and when the opportunity arises, even a primitive hunter who kept frozen glacier). Neither the Army nor the Church nor the State have nothing to do. There is therefore no spoils of war, neither holy nor scientific material. Bushman is in Banyoles Banyoles, ie in a small village in a museum that comes from the private collection which was peculiar character was Darder, an antiquarian, a curious anthropologist, humanist enthusiasm for the natural history of man, which simply buy it in Paris (and if you bought it was because there and then sold it.) Those who dissected, who bought it and moved to Gerona, they did so moved by the rare and curious thing, with pre-scientific curiosity of the collector, the nature lover, with feathers of the bird of paradise elephant tusks, and hopefully a valuable unicorn horn or narwhal. Today, this piece is pre-history of science, archeology museum (at the end of the millennium museologist will seem a very dull and cold scene, prefers the Bushman or even holographic virtual reality and interactive media). But it should be retained and that is pure confusion of ideas hiding in a warehouse, incinerated or provide it with a passport that never had to "return" to Botswana from which he never emerged. Krausist ideological laziness that will likely suffer reduced to ashes Bushman parchment (like environmentalism comes to recycling sawdust filling or wood). What will they do with the spear? But it is likely that to do so, within a few years will be rebuilt the cabinet of yore with a virtual stuffed Bushman as amorphous representation that was preserved for a century, at the end of last millennium, and so on. Not if the case of the Bushman is one sign. In the nineteenth century the bracket would have said, for example, "Aboriginal Kalahari Hunter." At the end of the twentieth century could say without fear: "Example of nineteenth-century anthropological document." But "war trophy Military botswana European colonialism 'or' African incorrupt corpse 'or' Unknown Soldier ' nor "shows sensitivity for human rights in post-revolutionary France" or "Still Life."

Anthropology 0021 Date: Wednesday, April 2, 1997 22:52:47 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Ana L. Valdés /
Title: Re: Neither military nor the bushman soldier

First, a presentation. My name is Ana Luisa Valdés, I'm Uruguayan anthropologist and journalist, living in Sweden for twenty years. With regard to this interesting discussion about the Bushmen of Banyoles, which was an international issue at the Olympics in Barcelona 92, I recommend a number of excellent American magazine Harper's Bazaar, a few years ago discussed the issue of hundreds of mummies and bones that fill the museums of the world. The name of the article, "The skelets On Our closets" (The skeletons in our closets) reflected well the dilemma of our civilization, which in the nineteenth century collections, archives and classified, in a curious mixture of determinism and social Darwinism. I was born in Uruguay, English and Italian descent, my ancestors came to the Rio de la Plata at the end of last century. At the same time Argentina and Uruguay also ended with its "Indian problem" with massacres similar to Peter refers Bellarmine. The last Indians Uruguay, called "charruas" were sold to a circus entrepreneur in Paris, which leads them to France for exhibition, exhibited as Buffalo Bill in the U.S.. But these poor charruas Paris weather they feel bad, died of constipation and diseases of the lungs within a few months after arriving. The employer felt cheated, he paid her good money for these six Indians. (Three of them were called Guyunusa, Zapico and Tacuabé). When they died led to a taxidermist that mummified. Once dead, they were sold to the Museum of Man in Paris, which exhibited a few years ago, when there were protests from various organizations of indigenous people. Then transferred to a room of "Objects Divers' where they can be seen only with permission of the management of the museum and research licenses the university where you work. My thinking is this: who are the heirs today exterminated tribes, ethnic groups missing? To what extent can we speak of "claim" the rights of these peoples, victims of 'collecting' white? This problem of museums has been before in the table, with marble Egin, taken from the Parthenon to England in the last century, or the mummy of Tutankhamun, on display at the Louvre, or the altar of Pergamon, which required the Germans the use of seventy thousand men to transport it to Berlin ... Conclusion: it would close all museums. Are proof of our dedication to looters and imperialist ...

Conclusion: What
Bushman was dissected? No idea, we are checking. What about our position on this issue? Ah, that's a topic for another post!

Friday, March 25, 2005

International Colour Shade Chart For Hairdressing


La Fontaine was one of the great masters of the story, lived in France in the seventeenth century (1621-1695). At that time he became king Louis XIV (1643), which implements a tyranny shameful. Within this context La Fontaine in his fables, made criticism of the lax mores of the time. Some of the tales told were recreations of Aesop's fables, written in the sixth century BC

A demon more black than ladino,
made for a handsome lover
a filter so that his love divine desire
left paid. That the lover
enjoyed your cravings, the beautiful
"The order will come back to your deal,
path will clean your love thistles"
Satan said. "Your child mandate
by my power will be obeyed;
but at the same time, as soon
instructed, have yet to send me;
and if you do not know when to order,
in the loving arms of your
lady will fall inthe voracious tremendous
called the infernal furnace,
where I will do what you want "
The youth who will not accept it!
is, in short, the rule, easy matter.
And at that same point,
as the doors of his well is,
went to the room of the beautiful;
did not know with it,
more without leaving the ground, he says,
, as such, they believed in heaven and would have been complete
his fortune
if each story just finished,
not listen to her ear to the devil
harassing him and to hurry;
orders in these cases the lover
everything comes to mind: boost
porphyry and diamond towers,
unleash the roar of the storm. Everything

requested in less than a second was met.
only to pronounce the word gold,
filled his bag of doubloons,
sent to Rome to hell
returning laden with pardons;
the enemy was all easy thing,
that was a thorn fragrant rose.
And by
think our youth should be asked how he found his mind
exhausted, after rebel and the bait.

communicated his troubles to his lover, telling the whole truth
and so she replied:
"lies not only in that your question?
When Satan comes,
shew you what I have in hand, and say to him:
straightening this and not come back to me
until you have untangled "And so speaking
gave the gallant
donoso not know what a confusing maze
not know that site, Duke
what a judge so precious that cavalry
order was then
coveted by nobles, restless (1).
Satan told our gallant donoso:
"In line across what I give,
you straight back from the twisted.
not come without success, for your life "Fly
the devil, puts it in the press,
but the task is not what he thinks. Neither
two separate blows,
a mole break into pieces,
and heat of the forge, or l ainfluencia
find more than half is revealed,
no filter, no wonder that
reason to get the fleece.
The more I played,
least one ring is let go.
"What is this?" was said "Can I view
see my skill thing that resists,
being so thin and fine?
with this idiot would be the most cunning "
And the devil was the lover one morning.
And he said, rendered:
"Dude, I'm up,
m all this was futile science
I return your good and your word
free and I let my presence,
but tell me what this is, and how that essence
defeat so till my effort? "
and brash galáncon replied:
" Very soon you give up your privileges,
and if you want to follow that work
not be surprised if I tell you,
that this loop, friend,
numerous companions. "

(1) The Order of the Golden Fleece, founded in 1430 by Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy. Andrew Dice Favyn ("Theater of honor and chivalry", ed. R. fouet, Paris 1620) that "the notorious Duke enjoyed the favor of unadama of Bruges, endowed with beauty pilgrim. Having come very early in his bedroom on the dresser found strands of its field below. Oos laughing gentlemen who accompanied him, the neglect of the lady, and the said Duke, to conceal this mystery, swore that he had laughed at that would not fleece the honor to wear the collar of the Order of the Toison thought to establish for the love of his lady "

Monday, March 21, 2005

Davicom Cnet Cn200 Drivers

March Fables:

In the troubled history of mankind and even in Argentina, March has been prolific in conspiracies, some successful and others less so. Without wishing to emulate a encyclopedia come to mind some

"Tu quoque fill me!"

"You too, my son say Cayo Cesar mumbled July when the Ides of March, the 15th of the month of the year 44 BC. It happened when they met to elect new consuls, is murdered by several senators, including his adopted son Brutus. Tacitus in his "Annals" that many phenomena first announced the death of Cesar Roman
"LXXXI. Caesar obvious wonders announced his approaching end. Few months before the settlers to whom the law had given Julia land in Campania to build cottages, ancient tombs destroyed, and since so much effort in the excavations that were used to find ancient vessels work. Kept in a tomb, they said, the remains of Capys, founder of Capua, found a brass plate kept in Greek characters and words with the phrase "When you discover the ashes of Capys, a descendant of Iulus perish at the hands of their relatives, but will soon be avenged by the misfortunes of Italy "(...) A few dates before his death knew (Julius Caesar) the horse by him to the gods before crossing the Rubicon, and had left wandering without a master, refused to eat and cried, for his part aurúspice Spurinna (Del lat. Haruspex, "ICIS. 1. m. priest in ancient Rome, examined the entrails of victims to make predictions.) warned during a sacrifice, that guards threatened danger to the Ides of March. On the eve of the same ides, having entered the Senate floor, called Pompey a wren (bird) with a laurel branch in its beak, birds of different kinds, outputs from a nearby forest, rushed upon him and tore. Finally the night precidió day of his death, believed in a dream that dated back to the clouds and put his hand on Jupiter, at the same time his wife Calpurnia dreamed that collapsed the roof of his house and killed her husband in her arms while her room doors will fly open by themselves. All these omens and the poor state of health made him hesitate for a long time about whether to remain at home the following day defer to what the Senate had proposed, but urged by Decimus Brutus not to wait in vain for the senators who were gathered early, left home was the fifth hour. On the way a stranger offered him a letter which revealed the conspiracy, Caesar took it and put it together for others to read then ... "

The Machine Infernal

In 1841 Argentina dominated the political scene (or Confederation Argentina) Brigadier Juan Manuel de Rosas also called The Restorer of the Laws. His bitterest enemies did not cease from Montevideo to machine turns. Among the little known tricks that plotted the unusual figure of an attack by a letter bomb, or rather, a parcel bomb. The story goes (Felipe Pigna "the myths of the history of Argentina 2"):

"On March 27, 1841, as every day Manuelita, daughter and secretary of the Restorer, received the correspondence. He was struck by a packet sent by the "Society Antiques of the North "in Copenhagen, Denmark. When Princess Federal "tried to open it, the lid is lifted sharply and hear a clunk. Chose to close it and take her father took it out quickly sensing something strange. Rose finally lifted the lid completely and could see inside 16 pistols distributed in a circular, which triggers were linked by a wire to the opening mechanism so as to make hardly opened fire. The mechanism failed, and Rosas was able to launch an endless laughter coupled with insults to the savage Unitarians. The operation was carefully planned by former federal Montevideo José fan Indarte Rivera. In early March (this year) arrived in Montevideo the box sent by the Society of Antiquaries, which was received by the ambassador of Portugal, Leonardo de Souza Leite Acevedo, friend of the restorer. Souza deposited the box in the Foreign Ministry in Montevideo with a note explaining that should be shipped to Buenos Aires and handed to Rosas. Informed employees of the Ministry who sympathized with the antiRo, Rivera Indarte could be done with the box and take it to the garage of one Aubriot. Between the two concocted the mechanism and changed the medals that originally contained the box for his deadly cargo. The case returned to the Ministry without anyone noticing his absence and was withdrawn by the French admiral's aide Dupotet, M. Bazin, who took her to Buenos Aires and give it to Manuelita.

Other Ides of March:

In 1461 the king was deposed Henry VI restored by Warwick in 1470, shortly after he was defeated and imprisoned in the Tower of London, where he was killed, is also murdered the Prime Minister Spain, Eduardo Dato is assassinated at the exit of the Parliament building in Madrid. In the National Government headed by Maura in 1918 was appointed Minister of State. He returned to the presidency in 1920-1921, a period of strong labor unrest, he tried to calm promoting social legislation (for which created the Ministry of Labour), but did not stop the spiral of terror and repression, especially in Barcelona. He was killed by three Catalan anarchists, who was shot from a motorcycle with sidecar, near the Puerta de Alcalá Madrid, he returned the Senate.

The Gordian knot I

During the reign of Alexander Severus, Gordian (which was a 80 year old) took a risk with the dangerous African government. As proconsul Gordian, Maximino Trayax killed the Emperor Alexander Severus and proclaimed his successor. Maximino was not a popular emperor, and general discontent caused by his oppressive rule culminated in a riot in Africa 238. Gordian echoed the popular clamor and took charge of both the emperor as the title of Africa on 22 March that year, caring for their elderly, to associate the throne to his son Gordian II. A few days later entered the city of Carthage, being cheered by the population and local leaders. Meanwhile in Rome the Praetorian Prefect of Maximinus was murdered, and it seemed that the rebellion would succeed. The Senate confirmed as emperor Gordian and most provinces did their part. Curiously, the opposition to his reign would come from neighboring province of Numidia. Capeliano, governor of Numidia and loyal to Maximinus Trayax renewed its alliance with the former emperor and invaded the province of Africa with several legions of veterans. Gordian was defeated, and his son Gordian II was killed in battle. Saddened by the death of the latter, Gordian committed suicide. Emperor was only 36 days. Little is known of his private life, assuming his name that his family came from Phrygia (Anatolia). He put the son of Marullus, of the illustrious family of the Gracchi, and Gordiana Ulpia. I was just an equestrian family, but of great wealth, but it was moving up the hierarchy until he entered the Senate. She had two children: Marco Antonio Gordian (Gordian II) and DFAIT's mother Faustina Gordian III.

It falls church

In 1752 in Argentina, the collapse of most of the Cathedral of Buenos Aires. After its reconstruction, was again open for worship on March 25, 1791. It was rumored in those years it was a deliberate sabotage by the Freemasons, which is unlikely at this time.

and closing the infamous: March 24, 1976 Dictatorship

Although it was no surprise, that March began a civil-military conspiracy whose consequences we are suffering and even at 28 years of this situation still not deleted the tracks enough to understand what kind of society somo or want to be.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Chances Of World War Three

conspiracies prolific months I am still master of my writings

Following the publication of articles in the Blog of Fabio ( , which honored me with their confidence in their holidays, I explained to the public account a series of stories that are also in this Blog. This is the Club Pay asos and " The Brotherhood of the White Dwarf ." After a few days in which to enjoy the views and comments of various commentators, I decided to remove them from the Blog of Fabio.

Why? Because a number of malicious comments ignorant and worthy of those who attacked his colleague replace Fabio. Given the escalation of aggression and acting certainly free to delete the post injustice. Nothing was left, just a void that few people noticed and others disregarded. But doing nothing would have been a manifest injustice also because those who do wrong have nothing to lose because they acted on condition of anonymity and exposing those who did write. And how can resolve a situation that is unfair at any point of view which is the address? With the least possible harm or evil.

the simple reason that I am the creator of these stories, in a way are my children, I ordered my power to let them or not. And because the purpose was not getting anything in return but that respect, the same as some ignorant people did not. So despite the disfavor of those who act favored me with their opinions did the above. As an author I have a minimum fee. As Kafka when ordered to burn his writings to die, will not be satisfied and that favored the later.

And while one can assume that making public a creation is "giving" up for adoption to the public, I prefer to remain a father not a father jealous and abandoned. I definitely concerned about the judgments of others but my own.

Friday, March 18, 2005

How Much Does A Refrigerator Thermostat Cost

it worse relations with the Vatican?

read as the Argentine government check wayward bishop :
"Given the attitude of your excellency in its relations with the Government of the Republic, the president ordered me send to Your Excellency his passports, fixing the term of twenty-four hours to leave the territory of the Nation. I greet your excellency carefully (The president of Argentina) "

To which the Vatican said as always when tightening the screws: "(...)

Your Excellency knows

better than everyone else, serious changes in recent times the law of the country, damage to the Catholic religion, professed by the vast majority, if not all of the Argentine people. (...) I consider useless after this, repeat once again that provided the facts wrong not to see in the expulsion of the apostolic delegate an act injurious to the pontiff .(...) "

No, no Bishop is Baseotto and controversial statements

oldest is something in our pendulum but reiterated Argentina's history. "During the first presidency in July Roca (1880-1886), secular education was introduced in schools paid for by public funds, in accordance with the law 1420 of common education, secular and compulsory. This measure, adopted in 1884, generated resistance from local church ministers and ended up having a negative impact on relations with the Holy See. The papal nuncio, Monsignor Luis Mattera, opposed the penalty. The Argentine authorities replied that the papal representative could freely presenting their ideas at conferences confidential, but not to interfere in a net issue was competition from the Argentine government. Mattera continued in their struggle and attempted to prevent teachers Argentina reached the normal contract by the executive in the United States for the management of educational institutions and lay officers. Meanwhile, in various parts of Argentina were held demonstrations of opposition to the measure taken by the government of Roca: sermons in churches, founding of journals that responded to the church claims, issuing pastoral by vicars and bishops, and events in clubs with the assistance of clergy. These demonstrations, in which Bishop Mattera was active yet quiet, were aimed at disrupting the normal operation of public schools . " (source: General History of foreign relations Argentinas).

Apparently there is nothing new under the sun

No, no, in reference to old discussion about our sovereignty in determining senior ecclesiastical who depend directly on the Santa See. Faced with the inevitable question for many on the reason for an independent state (we) have foreign officials and respond to other power (the Vatican) reason is the concordat agreed such powers. The president can not remove them even if I wanted, which is a contradiction for our sensitivity and sample submission of a nation free theoretically to a foreign (Well, strictly speaking would not be the one) Because, despite the Republican, federal and democratic of our Constitution, the Argentine state also holds the Catholic faith in its Article 2.

Ultimately, Bishop Baseotto or others, from 1810 to date, have interfered in our internal affairs to a greater or lesser degree, from secular education to the teaching of sexuality in schools, abortion, divorce, or any discussion that we deserve as a society and where we can agree or not, but without the inevitable interference that almost always generate the prelates of the Holy See in our political Internal . That same interference cost him the Vatican's separation of church and the birth of the Anglican Church, which is independent of Rome.

you always loved us both the Roman Catholic Church?

Vatican Church is always reluctant to change, but then fixed where the problem starts "the Argentine State." In 1816, Pope Pius VII sent his "venerable brothers archbishops, bishops and dear children of America , subjects of the king of Spain" canonical letter (a "short ") in which unqualified boycott of American independence movements:

"Among the precepts clear and most important of the most holy religion we profess, there is one that orders all souls to be submissive to the powers placed above of them. We are convinced that with seditious movements that occur those countries for which our hearts are saddened and our wisdom fails, you will not forsake to give your cattle all appeals. We are the representative of Him who is the God of peace, born to rescue mankind from the tyranny of demons. Our apostolic mission forces us to spur you to seek every effort to start that very fatal disorder and sedition tares of man's wickedness had planted there. What you gettin easily , Venerable Brethren, if every one of you wants to expose to heat damage to herd and serious defections and qualities and remarkable and exceptional virtues of our very dear son in Christ, Ferdinand, King Catholic of Spain. Recommended due obedience to our king (...) and you will obtain in heaven the reward of your sacrifices and your troubles by the One who gives the peaceful bliss and the title of sons of God " (Brief DE30 January 1816)

Baseotto is not the problem, this is another: If as a society we have the opportunity to create our own consciousness without resorting to some borrowed and do not reflect the reality and circumstances of this world different from the Gregorian cloisters.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

How Can I Tell If A Scorpio Man Likes Me

The Brotherhood of the White Dwarf

The Gallery of Dead Dolls

The deformed symbiotic relationship Clowns Club with the dwarves, is at least the story of a plot hatched dark as anything that claims to belong to the world of Puertito Verde, by more horrible crimes and no resolution known. We know from many historical relations of the most remote antiquity of the interference of the dwarfs in the world domination by application of fire, iron and poison, of what can rightly infer that Dwarves are distantly oldest the Clown and his bitter conspiracy. and Pythagoras (sixth century - V BC, Samos) in his famous verse Aureos alludes obliquely to them when says

O Father Zeus!

Of all the evils

bookstores us men

if only they hicieras

see what the hell obey!

For over 2500 years dominated or tried to dominate the world. Sometimes as conquerors, as other business shadows of temporal power, as were the clowns and even private secretaries of hundreds of kings and popes. The first setback by the year 1000 was when the Pope Sylvester II, better known by Gerbert of Aurillac and owner of a scholarship fantastic, the silent established plan of the Dwarves. Only a desperate satanic invocation last minute and the price of losing his soul, had undone the darkest and insidious plot that would have meant the loss of Christianity in the west of Emperor Otto I. A root this Gerbert died shortly after , burdened by the curse invoked. Even now days the Dwarves are for murdering a pope (as occurred with Juan Pablo I ordered the Clowns Club) or committing a great injustice and bones cenotaph in Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome sweat cold sweat and gelatinous; the other: the dwarfs never forgave this pope or the church of the West. The noble dead exhumed in 1648 as a trivial excuse, only to dissolve century-old ashes in the wind. E periodically attempt to destroy Christianity . The Black Death in 1300 was the work was their black hearts, the diffusion of the 1500 syphilis was also his work, but this time from his black cock.

also caused the fall of the Knights Templar because these were the despised and rejected. In retaliation the jesters of Pope Clement V was persuaded to remove the order in 1312, after the opinion of the Council of Vienne (1311), also influenced by the malevolent dwarf . Soon Henry IV of France would use its "advice" buffoons by pursuing and torturing the Knights Templar. Jacques de Molay himself (XXIV Grand Master), was burned alive 19-3-1.314 after seven years of imprisonment and torture, compared to the large Gothic monument Notre Dame. There few publicly retracted allegations had been forced to admit, (in encrypted message to the dwarves) proclaimed the innocence of the order and called on those responsible for everything to come together, within one year, the trial of God. This curse was fulfilled, Pope Clement V, Nogaret and Philip IV died before the end of the year, presumably poisoned by the Brotherhood.

His last serious attempt to seize power directly was Napoleon Bonaparte. Grand Corso was really a dwarf, who through an intensive and painful process (drawing had a foal for several years to the limit every day more inhumane pain and suffering, to stretch her bones in a brutal parody of skeletal traction Two hundred years before it was "discovered" by Dr Barton this secret method) and with the addition of platforms cleverly hidden in their eternal boots (that are still in your body in his Mausoleum) rose to an Minimum height almost not to go through a member of the Secret Order, and venerable Great Micromegas; Masonic Lodge actually hid this clan long before the King Hiram and his architects. Bertran Georges, historian says, "Small and low, very muscular, red and dry yet thirty, hardened body and always ready. (...) Now the reverse: the damp cold causes oppression, cough, dysuria, the disappointment arouses great anger, overwork, despite the long, hot baths, of extreme simplicity, a moderate but constant use of coffee and snuff, sometimes short fainting breeds coming, even to tears. The brain is one of the most perfect that have existed, always arouses attention, removes tirelessly facts and ideas, the memory registers and classifies them, the imagination plays freely, in a permanent tension and secret invents not be weary, political and strategic issues that are manifested in sudden illuminations, comparable to those of the mathematician and poet, preferably overnight, in a flash, which he calls the moral call, the presence of spirit after midnight. This spiritual light burning through the eyes gleaming face still sulphide, in memory of Corso straight hair ... The justice was done, I am even a good man and true, he was generous and kind even to those who tried to close ... Physical and cerebral organization hiding that irresistible impulse to action and domination which is called ambition. He has been clear in itself: It says I am ambitious, you are wrong, I'm not, or at least my Ambition is so intimately connected with my being that can not separable " story is well known of Napoleon and illustrates her entire body, when shortly before the Battle of Austerlitz when trying to reach some apples from a tree , a grenadier (high as a few) will cut one and says,

"-Permitame my lord, that I'm older," to what the Emperor replied dryly

"" No larger , higher-" After the defeat of Waterloo, after 100 days, Napoleon dies Santa Elena in 1821, and killed with increasing doses of minute arsenic. All historians have blamed the British, but we know that was his own brotherhood who ruled his death, under the rule of their cruel secret laws.

The dwarves are the Homicidal Clown Club

At its founding the club in 1880 had about the Dwarves suffered a great decline from the fall First Empire (1812) after failures over a period of being exhausted and depleted loud. This is the very high internal carnage due to the Schism Tramecksan and Slamecksan , Switf describing in his "Gulliver's Travels" (Chapter IV) when referred by analogy to them and their ancestral dissent came sixteenth century at least:

"Because "he said flourishing of our situation may seem to foreigners, hanging over us two great evils: a violent faction inside and the danger of an invasion by a powerful enemy territory outside. Regarding the first, know that for more than seventy moons are in this empire two opposing parties, known by the names of Slamecksan Tramecksan and because of high heels and downs of his shoes , which, respectively, serve as distinctive. It is alleged is true that high heels are most agreeable to our ancient constitution, but it is what you want, His Majesty has decided to use only low heels in the administration of government and to all employees who enjoy gift of the crown, as surely you will have observed, and particularly making the heels of His Imperial Majesty, are at least a drurr lower than any of his court-the drurr is a measure that is to enforce the fourteenth part of an inch. The animosity between these two parties has reached such an extent that belonging to one will not eat or drink or talk with the other. We estimate that Tramocksan, or high heels, to exceed us in number, but the power is wholly on our side. We apprehend his imperial highness, the heir to the throne, have some tendency towards the high heels, at least, we see clearly that one of his heels is higher than the other, which gives him a hobble in his gait "

At that time he founded an unknown village in a very special young Republic Argentina: The Salado. Was special because a series of strange causes converged on a node, which determined that Clowns should occupy the site which today is (and is not , simultaneously) on the door, Green. Deflected by a ratio of destination, the dwarves had also reached the same conclusions had and arrived on these shores of Rio Salado looking for that same place. To find it occupied in the first place tried to kill the Clowns, but weakened as they were and after losing a few hundred members in various failed plans (Yellow Fever in Buenos Aires, 1871 1, the outbreak of vomiting black in Corrientes and Paraguay 2 The Franco - Prussian War of that year) had resigned and were attached as a special section of assassins, known as "The Giant Dwarf" They welcome the curious oxymoron astronomical reminiscences, a palliative to their unique anxieties linear. Relegated to mere shock troops, expressed its brutal nature in the form of heinous murders usually without mobile or motives, as recently reported in two newspapers in the region:

"Stabbed in the heart before being butchered with rage, appeared unidentified body of a man of about 30 40. Inside the trash bags were in several consortium apparently dismembered remains such a Tramontina knife or similar, at the intersection of Montesquieu and Iriarte Avdas. Police do not know which mobile attribute the crime " (Clarín 10/03/2005) or

" A 31 year old man was sexually abused three hours unknown early after sharing a barbecue and wine, street Berisso 3 between 168 and 169. Vexed man was hospitalized at the Hospital Larrain of the town. Martini spoke fiscal " (La Plata, 14/03/2005)

Since that time have declined their independent activities covered under the shadows of the Clown Club, who as we mentioned in above lines prefer keeping anonymity a deafening silence. The operations of the dwarves have blurred in the mists of mystery. The little information there, dark and meaningless fragments speak of a strange cult of these cruel and heartless beings.

The Gallery of Dead Dolls

For reasons lost their distorted minds in a secret place beneath the streets of San Telmo, the old colonial part of Buenos Aires, in the old tunnels used by the smugglers of slaves in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, then the Carbonari for his crimes patriotic, there is this place of worship.

gallery is a great crowd where hundreds, perhaps thousands of abandoned and broken dolls. Along with porcelain head coexist terracotta wood, and those of plastic. Each has a name and a short poem. The Brotherhood of White Dwarf brings all Wednesday and the gloom and deep subsurface silent, crying uncontrollably, screaming, as he has never cried never heard anyone or any mortal another without paying the price for their heinous death.

1 is known that the Yellow Fever that ensued in Buenos Aires in 1871, it was natural causes. Given the affinity of the dwarves by methods winding, twisting, addition to his natural inclination to the poisons and toxic is not surprising to know your authorship. In Buenos Aires · Of about 190,000 people, killed 14,000. All hospitals were filled, temporary quarantine stations were authorized, the city was deserted, migrated the national government, was declared a public holiday in all ministries and public offices shut down banks, schools, churches, shops. The streets were deserted, bereft of people and vehicles. In a city where the normal rate of daily deaths was less than twenty, there were moments that killed more than five hundred people a day. "

2 began in late 1870 the outbreak of black vomit in the city of Asuncion, Paraguay, occupied by the armies of the Triple Alliance and "populated by a handful of people living in deep apathy and the most deplorable poverty." Corrientes was the major hub for Allied and supply center for the occupying forces, resulting movement trade and economic interests related to these supplies. So quickly also erupted in the city for negligence of its authorities, that somehow privileged these commercial operations to the security of the population. The first case of yellow fever in Corrientes was diagnosed on 14 December 1870. More half of the population, according to the census of 1869 was 11,218 inhabitants, deserted, and Corrientes became a deserted city. "From the authorities only Igarzabal was the deputy governor and an employee, the rest had fled or was struggling between life and death." The absence of authority and public order measures ruled that a group was constituted in neighboring Central Public Health Commission and to take the reins in administrative and health with extraordinary powers. Federico Palma as the sum total of deaths reached 2,000 people.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Timex Expedition T45581manual

El Club de los Payasos

Extracted Commander of the Book of barracuda Gomez "My years as the eponymous hero (Ed. Hilbre & Schuster and Sons, Villanueva, 1999)

There in a narrow alley in General Belgrano lost in the passage Carlos Gardel, who rarely someone comes in because there is only goodwill, a few houses and a small green door with no identification and closed by a rusty brass padlock and rusty iron chain also. You never see anyone enter or leave from there, at least in the common hours to most mortals, but in those lost hours paa all gather at that moment a strange group of grotesques. Can not see nothing but their ugly silhouettes in the mist of darkness, as the dark veil does not have the sharpness of the glass when mysterious slashing their bodies, deforms and acquires unknown properties. So no one has ever heard of the Club of the Clowns.
Their secret meetings not ever transcend. No one knows that deliberate, what are his efforts, just passed the curtain of silence dialogues comment on their bitter, full of cruelty. Never been known for a laugh. A blanket of ominous feeling down on them like a heavy veil and funeral. The body of its members is another secret, as not all clowns are aware of this inner circle, let alone make it up, only a few, the most spiritually altered are accepted as members and void. Weave a dark conspiracy, for a hundred, two hundred years and one day the concrete. We do not know why or what. Expect with a bitter smile from the dark cave of the green door.

Some say that were once happy clowns who loved the show and the laughter, but the delivery was losing the vital energy and only survive their souls soured. What little is known, this fragmented percent and dispersed data in this report will try to sort.

We know that your organization may have materialized in 1880, because at least that time dates the first signs of their twisted and misguided plans. That was when he began his most devastating plan for world domination: Traveling Ant operation. Consisting of invading the world with the species Linepithema humile "fire ants in Argentina, and so whip native species and crops once the most important for the world. The first fruits were seen in 1925 when New Orleans officials warned the scourge, and now they are already contaminated all the countries of the European Union and America, forecast that Asia and Africa would fall short. And what is the danger of these innocent creatures? His amazing power of adaptation and cooperation, because unlike other ants world (and unlike the Argentines themselves too) when they are on foreign soil rather than fought, come together. Hasten the day when a mysterious order emanating from a powerful transmitter electro-chemical green behind the little door, and the invincible army of trillions away crops, fauna and flora.

Some people assume that the trigger for the formation of the Club of the Clowns was a snub of the old secret clows of Argentina in 1880, mostly Europeans and a few locals and the Italians Raffet, Gani, Casali, Tomeleri, Pollastrini, Frank Brown English, German Rukstull, the Trieste Stanco, French and Ellies and as Henault and famous family side "criollo" Tony Toto, Tucuman, son of Juan Antonio Palacios and Carmen Villagra, Peter Podesta, founder of a clown named Pepin the 88 and others that history has plunged into an unjust oblivion. He or objects of an unknown subject, created this sinister organization that now runs stealthily across the terrestrial globe.
The most dramatic display of this insidious pest, was the infamous case of John Wayne Gacy (aka "Pogo the Clown") in the 70's, who after seducing his community as a clown even offering free performances at hospitals and churches , murderer after sadistically raping and torturing to 33 teenage boys. The buried in his garden, a place where parties offered to their community. One of the unspoken rules of the club is total and complete anonymity. The public display of "Pogo" was that this was secretly denounced and a trap. Cayo and being executed by lethal injection on May 10, 1994 his last words were "Kiss me ass", but were not directed at the U.S. prison system, but the Club. Never heard of another similar Anglo clown or a clown.

One of their presidents in 1955 was known quartering Barracks, alias Jorge Eduardo Burgos, who at that time was found guilty nearly dismember his girlfriend alive Alcira ******. After the brutal murder, blamed by the police press then a fit of jealousy, sprinkled throughout the Federal Capital with small packets containing the viscera and part of the anatomy of the unfortunate. Again an anonymous tip, which police posed as a product of his research the whereabouts of the gunman. Burgos was killed because she came to understand their mysterious presidency. Sentenced to 20 years came six years before the term of your license for good behavior. In prison he was known for his histrionic talent. Free and returned to his home on Avenida Montes de Oca, where shrouded in mystery disappeared by 1970. Was found only his empty apartment, and half a pot of theatrical makeup clows white.

has been rumored in the intelligence community and even among the police of the world, including the renowned Interpol, John Paul I was murdered. It is public knowledge, after 28 days. Time it takes for the moon in its cycle, offering more pale face and bright (full moon), as the hallmark of the Guild of Evil has also circulated repeatedly that the current pope, John Paul II would be on the verge of physical death and that these characters would be manipulating the evanescent succession to impose a candidate to accelerate the implementation of the most terrible prophecies, the coming of the Antichrist. Mere assumption, however, take my dream to the highest authorities of the Holy Synod, which does not know how to warn of the danger signals and attempt to maintain virtually the life of the elderly person as it would lead.

not much more to add. Just speculation. I fear that when we see the danger in front, either hopelessly late. God forbid that their dark seizures are burnt out by the weight of his bitter existence.

Friday, March 4, 2005

Kates Playground Mother

La verdadera verdad sobre la Hagiografía Nacional

There are issues that always attracted me as the bad movies Argentina ("The naked beast" by Emilio Vieyra, "The owner of the Sun" Mortola) and the national history of old school books where the heroes were heroic beyond words and the rest a consummate scoundrels louts incapable of understanding the sacred mission of these heroes with a capital.

What they have in common these two things? Well, both are essentially the same. Bad movies are like bad stories. The characters are uniform, the reasons for existing and inexorable fate. Today in class discussion of education saw a video where some poor kids cave described with vocabulary San Martín, Belgrano and other heroic figures quintals of homelands. Listening to children, future cheap labor, I did the movie.

Epic Version Alfredo Alcon type

San Martin is a horse-faced as ever having been vexed with a lemon juice enema and cell phone rings. Take it out and serves
- Hoooola? Excellence! How is your excellency? Ah, is inventing the flag of Argentina ... And if necessary, I say. And here I am, freeing countries. I dunno, one or perhaps two dozen, which in the leather doctor ... As I said, I come and say you're free! And give one or two battles that sometimes I win and some not, but as the result is the same and that's it, a new country free from the yoke of the Goths shameful .... No, hehehehe, I'm not going to Cuba. No place I travel by sea, to be released alone che!. Okay, I quit because I have to pose for a picture that is making me a kind and will be called "The Glories of San Martín" appears wistfully remembering what I'm doing ... if funny, but you know how are these crazy romanticist painting, there are not as decent painters of our years. Do well then with that of the flag, and tell me che, even so we released over here too. Goodbye, take care of poor and sick Morise my friend, because it seems to be fashionable between the heroes, eh, hehehehe .-

Now for the revisionist side:

Sarmiento is in his office, are late at night and just spend the time trumpeting lamplighter and saying rhymes at the time of the viceroy Olaguer and Feliu, ie a hundred years ago.
-Balmaceda, tell the minister of the time and the time to update the lamplighters are delaying back-
excellence "And do not nobody bother me I have to write the education reform," Good evening sir
"Well, let's see if scorched, I am The Great Sanjuanino and irascible character which I have no doubt this has caused me baldness or the rare type of gymnastics hair stopped me. Well, turn on the computer and see if it .... "Chat room, Hummmm" over sixty "? Not sure that there is Mitre Alsina and those fags who want to build a society ladies finger their speed ... Let's see, Hall of Heroes Eponyms, sounds good Who is he? Are thugs manga? Best evidence for this "Education and Culture ".... Take a nick ... "Faustin" there is hehehehe ... Now the description. Macho peeling, energetic stallion San Juan. With that will be fine. A private communication? Nice! "" Minguito? To view the profile: young seductive effeminate, adopted ... That sucks, a sodomite! God knows they have a father example, write it to know who is ... "Hello young "..." Yes, I am pure unbridled lust" ... "What's your name ?"..." Ah, do not want to say, send me a picture of you as well ..." What Dominguito? Vast &%$#$#$%! I am your father bit of perverted bastard, really now, I will send to the War of the Triple Alliance to give you man, damn! -

scientistic style

Brigadier Juan Manuel de Rosas calls his favorite clown : "I have fun
39% less than last month, you will be shot-
"My lord, is that due to the isobars and isotherms unusual this time of year and based on normal statistics for the province of Buenos Aires, as recorded in the last 30 years I have had a decrease 56% of my metabolism and therefore I declined, "No excuses
clown, die by the kinetic impact of 3 balls of 23 grams each that will impact your body at a rate of" n "with" z "to the third power on "g", I said,
And the next day, Sunday July 23, 1851 at a quarter to seven a squad of three soldiers and a sergeant handed him 37 obese punches and whips then introduce 3 shot lead bullet light alloy that took his life in seven minutes of agony dwarf.
Brigadier addresses his troops in Homemade
- How much fun ruling the dwarf, soldiers? - "A 61%
my brigadier, said the troops and lost the battle.

Thursday, March 3, 2005

How To Give 5000 Units Of Heparin

El sabor del encuentro

No, not propaganda of a bastard domestic beer, which is becoming more advertising and less beer ... It is the memory they wish to give in today and that chances of the Internet, publishes new tomorrow Thursday 3 (server crashed in Buenos Aires). On the day of the date, on the turn that goes from 20th 22hs in the Teacher Education Center I reunited with my ominous past. The terror of children and adolescents, Mathematics, came in the form of a kindly old lady, round glasses, a face not without tenderness of childhood history and average height. With its friendly and persuasive voice release three or four small leaves photocopied several tens of years the noble art of digital torture in each of us. Actually I was not panicking, at least not as much as my very young classmates who changed color and almost merges with the white walls. This white abhorrent as Borges reminds us of the Hospitals.

In those cases of fate I got to the first question, which obviously do not know how to answer. After nearly two decades working with programming in C, C + +, Visual Objects, Bash scripts, and other complexities of abstract, binary and hexadecimal I could not say what the hell is a damn polimonio. The secret humiliation of being an accomplished "turnip" was made public, thanks to God the hidden terror of others my own amazement.

The business lady and teacher, perhaps accustomed to these shows that border between contrition and attrition (as one is forced to respond to no longer feel miserable or guilty or both) kept going and distributed its load of benefits and mathematical concepts with the rest of the murga present.

After a while, and then to understand that the pace was melted down runaway locomotive subject to the overriding need to travel 10 or more years of mathematics teaching in less than four weeks, the calm did not return to the other but to my puzzled existence. Problems plagued our souls restless as the autumn breeze etc etc. Ie mathematical problems. Why ordered polimonios decomposition of dead sounds like something secret or atrocities when there is more than just a breakdown of units, tens, hundreds or powers of 10 to the N to say it is ten, a hundred or a thousand? Why is the relative value of an insidious numerajo just saying N is only about ten of thousands or hundreds of millions and not a serious threat to our intellectual integrity? By what power of the soul abstract Hegelian, John is a damn more than 295 figurines Peter has 126 unless Magoya and Satan also has their little souls eternal school picture, the figure reveals the secret of how more than elementary? If Mephistopheles valid claim, would not ask women (and me too complicated), no money (never reached), less a decent connection to the Internet (we know that is an impossibility), I would ask you just give me the understanding to cope with my heavy karma existential embarrassment of believing that math is impossible or difficult. It is not, is so simple in its essence and in its perfection the embarrassment I feel is not for today is 30 years ago.
If eternal, idyllic farm where nature is lavish and there are the petty squabbles of our miserable lives, they harvested 25,746 bushels of pears, oranges 34,276, and 17,279 of apples (do not do well around here) How many kg of fruits were harvested in total? How many more of other fruit and the more than one third with respect to the first? The complex and intricate patterns of John and Peter, apples and pears me back to a childhood that could not remember that I thought lost forever. And it was not. In a point I find myself as a child trying to understand the essence of God. Jews were right that created the Cabala, transfiguring them the numbers and letters recreated the Creator (and also the Golem) for what is ultimately the Cabala but a curious set of mathematical literature without vowels or punctuation separation?
And find the peace that is only when our heart is discovered to our wear. The answer is not the say, you pull it out.