Thursday, March 31, 2005

Dbz Fusion Chi-chi E Bulma

As human beings reproduce

Perhaps today almost everyone knows at least the general, human reproduction and sex determination by permutation of the pairs X and Y chromosome in 23 °. This scientific knowledge has been extended recently by findings that have determined that the power of female gene is much more complex and powerful that they burden men with a significant amount of information encoded in DNA way. But until a few and nearly one hundred years, these mechanisms were virtually unknown. Mendell, the first statement of the laws of genetics was ignored even in its time and only after his death his theories gained ground and were eventually accepted. Reviewing the history I have found a rare document entitled "Embryology Sagrada (Madrid, 1848) written by the priest Innocent IPEN Le Grand, which exposes the fashionable theories about sex determination at conception. First


Hippocrates system that ensured that the semen of men, women and mixed and that the stronger of the two produced a fetus from her sex. This view was followed by Aristotle, and has had great turnout in schools.


The Descartes, who supposed that the mixture of the two produced a fermentation semens which originated the fetus. Some naturalists have admitted this fermentation, for the reproduction of plants, others have argued that the semen was mascula acid and alkali female, and that they occurred a chemical salt. Vieussens admitted the semen full of spirits. Helmocio ensured that the material supplied seminal female and the male a kind of spirit or seal vital. Others have loved each animal semen enclose a report or parts of an animal that attracted later and met. (...) The female is the one that gives the seed preparation, and the male's sperm is the one that excites, and enlivens. Third


The former have argued that the right testis of males, and the right cavity of the parent individuals produce males and females were spawned on the left side. Parmenides, Anaxagoras, Aristotle, Hippocrates, and Galen followed this opinion. Democritus, Pliny, and Columella, have also argued that tying the right or left testis to a ram, did you breed a male or female, as wanted. Has not ceased to be sectarian doctrine, but its falsity the experience shows, because there have been many men lacking a testicle that has begotten children of both sexes. Also male fetuses were found in the left side and female on the right, finally, there have been a woman who have destroyed the right fallopian tube conceived a boy and a girl. Fourth


Buffon admits generation a middle ground between Hippocrates and Democritus says that the semen is extracted from all parts of the body: it is a meeting of organic molecules that are the parent figure in an interior mold. These organic molecules always living, serving nutrition and movement of animals and plants, passing on from body to body. This view is similar to the system of panspermia, Heraclitus, and Hippocrates (lib. of diaeta), and renewed by Perrault, Gerik, Wollarton Sturm, Logam, & c.

Assuming that parents, mothers and supply of all parts of his body molecules to compose a being they seem, can not explain how the butterfly occurs in their eggs, all the robes, and wraps successive tracks, that she lacks, and they have to leave their eggs. Assuming a father and a mother of one arm crippled, or a dog and a bitch both with the docked tail, but children will be born with two well-formed arms, and dogs with a regular-sized tail. Here, then, nature herself correcting defects generators beings. However, dogs without tailed and external ears, may eventually breed puppies undocked, and earless, as well as other more perfect, although the nature aspires to regain the prime rate species, which is your model.


Diogenes Hippone, and all the Stoic school admitted that the fetus was produced by the male semen only, not the mother serving more that development, including land on the point.


the ovarian system, recently renovated by the famous physiologists Dumas and Prevost, according to this system, semen contains sperm crowd of little animals themselves able to become man-like beings, who in the act of generation are released by the fallopian tubes to the ovaries, donde después de una acción de guerra sangrienta, propiamente dicha, perecen todos, a excepción del que ha de ser anidado en el huevo destinado a recibirle. Por esta hipótesis, en el parto de dos o más gemelos han sobrevivido a tan singular batalla dos o más animalillos espermáticos.


El sistema de los huevos producidos por la hembra sola, y de su movimiento: ha sido admitido por Swamimerdams, Malpighi, Harvey, Valisneri, Plonequet, y Graaf, que los han descubierto en la mujer. Esta opinión que es la más seguida en el día, no está libre do algunas dificultades. Es evidente que el esperma del macho modifica mucho los órganos, and the structure of the embryo in the mule, or hybrid. So the horse ridden by a donkey produces a mule, which participates in two nearly equal. But this system of germs belonging only to females, very well explain the spread of aphids without the intervention of males. Eighth

epigenesis, ie partial formation, and subsequent fetal system known as Aristotle and Galen, has been renewed for Descartes, Harvey, Furberville, Noedham, Muller, & c., but Wols especially caught his core strength. The same has to be what some believe this physiological century with the name of the organizing effort formativus misused, vital principle, these are Blumembach, Barthez, many others. Cudworth plastic shapes are similar to this view, as well as the attraction of the parties and the superstructure of the bodies supported by Maupertuis. As the bodies are not visible until they have gained consistency and opacity, it seems to make one after another. So the heart or the salient point (puntum saliens) is the first thing you see and so the spine: After the large arteries and veins, muscles, bones, and finally the membranes. But the nature throws his works in the mold at one time, which is seen in the perfect symmetry and the antagonistic forces of the various parts of the body, such correspondence may not be established but by a harmonious effort. Each member is so appropriate to all others, and together with such sympathy, not more than an individual being. All parts of the body are also involved general temperament: the lowest fiber is closely attached to this single individual, their gender, their sex, age, and their [habits: live your life in general, competing for the same purpose with all others, and ultimately, the individual is unique, it would be impossible if each body was formed from parts produced in many times and without a power that works concert, and even time everywhere. (...)


Bonet, Spallanzani, and schools in Italy have followed the view that pre-existing germs are created from the beginning of the world but embedded in each other and develop on. Has cited a single example of this inlay J. Ch Aug. Otto, De faetu puerperal women in faetu faetu Seu, epistle. Weissenfeli, 1748 in 4 °. This female fetus contained another within, but this example does not prove anything except that it was an eyesore, as we see sometimes within another egg, lemon or other lemon. Adopting this view on the other hand inlay of germs and their existence before the act of generation, it follows that Eva had to have all the germs of men born and unborn on the land until the end of time, and the same in every species of animals and plants. This sausage is the division of matter to the [25] infinite, because it is required not only all the germs that are carried on, but all those who miscarry or develop, or die before they reproduce, with the whole series of generations that have occurred.


The panspermia hypothesis that we have mentioned. In this scenario assumes that all nature is full of germs, or subtle elements to form own any being. These germs welcomed with food, air, water, land, & c., in living bodies as they apply to their substance, go to your semen, and there they are able to reproduce the same being which are assimilated. Passing these germs to other beings, molds to your shape and leave it had previously. Thus all matter, placed in suitable circumstances, it is capable of producing a being the whole of nature is nothing more than semen and generation. Eleventh


Pythagoras and Timaeus

Loera admitted that the generation Connections made by numbers or harmonic, and Plato, ideas are the early forms of all bodies, all beings are organized by a model archetype, or ideal, and as a ternary proportion and symmetry. This triangular harmony is the mysterious image of the generator, the one in which it generates, and what is generated. The animal world is the prototype of all others, and from it emanate all the stocks. Twelfth


According Parmenides, heat, and cold enough to form new beings: the males are conceived in the right side of the womb, and females in the left region. Empedocles, looking at the formation of new beings and their destruction as mixing and separation of the elements, he argued that there was no real generation. Moisture, or water elemental, it was as such the principle of generation. Thirteenth


Stahl believed that the soul had the power to raise and organize the fetus, and admitted a spirit Helmoncio trainer, a seminal idea in the womb, explained the birthmarks by the emotions of the soul. According to these authors, the sperm was alive somehow liquor, which transmitted to the fetus's soul and moral qualities, and physical, of the father.



After generating the stake gemiparos or led to believe that the baby belonged to the female, which was in some way an emanation.

These are more or less the views of all philosophers on the generation, we have taken the famous naturalist mentioned, for more like short and compendious. Philosophy played endlessly on the creation of man, but the Theologian founded in the text of Moses confesses that the generation coming of intercourse between man and woman without the need to further deepen mystery to resolve any difficulties that may arise. All want any issues arise in this area are always wrapped in thick darkness. Even physiologists have not agreed on whether the design is different or not the generation whether or not unlike the time of the fertilized germ that we intended: what conditions are necessary or not for a woman to be fruitful, if more than the way they are delivered with more ardor to the pleasures of love that they are naturally cold. On this we can ensure a woman who has eight sons and two daughters, all adults, which provided that the court reaches of Penance certainly not to say that ignores how the lord has given such a long succession as never experienced any pleasure in the conjugal act, the same we have heard say several other ladies, not without succession, on the contrary is seen in women vicious or at least many of which involved in excess nature of the joys of marriage to be infertile. not see the issue resolved on the spot where conception takes place, some say happens in the womb, as is commonly the fetus develops in it, other than in the ovary from three days after the fertilized egg matrix, and tasting it for the destruction of the fetus have been found in the ovaries of some women, and several examples of abdominal pregnancies, and several experiments to try, including those of Nuck, three days after intercourse, tied one tube of the uterus in a bitch, and twenty one day after two fetuses found between the bond and the ovary which proves the conception outside the womb.

Here's how to date little progress has been made in this matter, and we can assure to Fermin, the work of generation is one of the most impenetrable mysteries of physics, or one of the secrets of nature is hidden. However repeat with the Abbe Spallanzani, who Although it says it is a secret of nature that there is more to be admired, which investigated, we must not indulge in idleness, but to continue our research and more when so much has paved the road.


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