read as the Argentine government check wayward bishop :
To which the Vatican said as always when tightening the screws: "(...)
Your Excellency knowsbetter than everyone else, serious changes in recent times the law of the country, damage to the Catholic religion, professed by the vast majority, if not all of the Argentine people. (...) I consider useless after this, repeat once again that provided the facts wrong not to see in the expulsion of the apostolic delegate an act injurious to the pontiff .(...) "
No, no Bishop is Baseotto and controversial statements
oldest is something in our pendulum but reiterated Argentina's history. "During the first presidency in July Roca (1880-1886), secular education was introduced in schools paid for by public funds, in accordance with the law 1420 of common education, secular and compulsory. This measure, adopted in 1884, generated resistance from local church ministers and ended up having a negative impact on relations with the Holy See. The papal nuncio, Monsignor Luis Mattera, opposed the penalty. The Argentine authorities replied that the papal representative could freely presenting their ideas at conferences confidential, but not to interfere in a net issue was competition from the Argentine government. Mattera continued in their struggle and attempted to prevent teachers Argentina reached the normal contract by the executive in the United States for the management of educational institutions and lay officers. Meanwhile, in various parts of Argentina were held demonstrations of opposition to the measure taken by the government of Roca: sermons in churches, founding of journals that responded to the church claims, issuing pastoral by vicars and bishops, and events in clubs with the assistance of clergy. These demonstrations, in which Bishop Mattera was active yet quiet, were aimed at disrupting the normal operation of public schools . " (source: General History of foreign relations Argentinas).
Apparently there is nothing new under the sun
No, no, in reference to old discussion about our sovereignty in determining senior ecclesiastical who depend directly on the Santa See. Faced with the inevitable question for many on the reason for an independent state (we) have foreign officials and respond to other power (the Vatican) reason is the concordat agreed such powers. The president can not remove them even if I wanted, which is a contradiction for our sensitivity and sample submission of a nation free theoretically to a foreign (Well, strictly speaking would not be the one) Because, despite the Republican, federal and democratic of our Constitution, the Argentine state also holds the Catholic faith in its Article 2.
Ultimately, Bishop Baseotto or others, from 1810 to date, have interfered in our internal affairs to a greater or lesser degree, from secular education to the teaching of sexuality in schools, abortion, divorce, or any discussion that we deserve as a society and where we can agree or not, but without the inevitable interference that almost always generate the prelates of the Holy See in our political Internal . That same interference cost him the Vatican's separation of church and the birth of the Anglican Church, which is independent of Rome.
you always loved us both the Roman Catholic Church?
Vatican Church is always reluctant to change, but then fixed where the problem starts "the Argentine State." In 1816, Pope Pius VII sent his "venerable brothers archbishops, bishops and dear children of America , subjects of the king of Spain" canonical letter (a "short ") in which unqualified boycott of American independence movements:
"Among the precepts clear and most important of the most holy religion we profess, there is one that orders all souls to be submissive to the powers placed above of them. We are convinced that with seditious movements that occur those countries for which our hearts are saddened and our wisdom fails, you will not forsake to give your cattle all appeals. We are the representative of Him who is the God of peace, born to rescue mankind from the tyranny of demons. Our apostolic mission forces us to spur you to seek every effort to start that very fatal disorder and sedition tares of man's wickedness had planted there. What you gettin easily , Venerable Brethren, if every one of you wants to expose to heat damage to herd and serious defections and qualities and remarkable and exceptional virtues of our very dear son in Christ, Ferdinand, King Catholic of Spain. Recommended due obedience to our king (...) and you will obtain in heaven the reward of your sacrifices and your troubles by the One who gives the peaceful bliss and the title of sons of God " (Brief DE30 January 1816)
Baseotto is not the problem, this is another: If as a society we have the opportunity to create our own consciousness without resorting to some borrowed and do not reflect the reality and circumstances of this world different from the Gregorian cloisters.
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