Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pilote Card Reader Model Rb-539



Captain Don Rufino Solano acted in the " desert border "between 1855 and 1880, where he developed a unique role in our history of Argentina. During his tenure, he met and personally tried with the highest authorities of the Government, such as Justo José de Urquiza, Domingo F. Sarmiento Nicolás Avellaneda, Bartolomé Mitre, Marcos Paz, Adolfo Alsina, Martin de Gainza and at the end of his career, he interceded with Julio A. Roca. Served in the military and fought under the command of Colonel Alvaro Barros, Colonel Francisco de Elías, General Ignacio Rivas, Benito Coronel Machado, among others. In the ecclesiastical field, was also the military link with the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, in the figure of Archbishop Federico León Aneiros, called "The Father of the Indians." This last task took him to act in close with Father Jorge María Salvaire, mentor and founder of the Great Basilica of Our Lady of Luján.

This military man, with true art and aplomb, also links and relations with all the Chieftains, and Capitanejo Caciquejos of the pampas, penetrating even his own tolderías to contact them. Through these actions, managed to free hundreds of people, including captives, children, exchange of prisoners, etc. Similarly, through its informal efforts, were released and even fellow officers, began at 19 years old when he succeeded in freeing Don Exequiel Martinez, Magistrate Tapalqué and his whole entourage, and continued with this task during 25 years, in an age where so raged the terrible raids on villages and in rural areas.

also as an immediate result of his invaluable task mediator and peacemaker, managed to avoid confrontations and contain countless attacks on people. Activity that was expressly and directly commissioned by the highest authorities. It is therefore very prestigious and academic historians conclude without hesitation that "for nearly twenty years Solano Captain managed to keep peace in their confines (sic)" R. Entraigues, Op Cited. Wins award two glosses his military file handwritten by Colonel Alvaro Barros, founder and first governor Olavarria of Patagonia, fills it with deserved praise.

For this gift he possessed, the War Minister Adolfo Alsina, before a large crowd gathered at the Riviera in December 1875, he said: "Captain Rufino Solano, you in your office is as useful to the country as the best warrior. " Is that through peace treaties, managed to avoid imminent attacks on the border of the desert, vast region of our country where there was very weak and that was very unguarded during the war with Paraguay.

Although he possessed of great courage, the most identified this very particular era military technique and power persuasion, not only because it dominated the Araucanian language perfectly, but also because they knew how to stand up and go to the brave and suspicious bosses, further demonstrating loyalty, sincerity and honesty in their dealings, this innate virtue allowed to enjoy the highest prestige and trust on both sides. By

wise management of critical situations, managed to avoid further bloodshed and in this aspect, in all fairness, he was known as "The diplomat of the pampas." Its activity was interrupted when General Julio A. Rock decided to carry out the "conquest of the Desert" in 1880, strife in the Solano Rufino participated. But he acted bravely as a soldier when he should defend his own, as discussed below.

In discharging his responsibilities, he was seen accompanying a delegation of Indians how much went to Buenos Aires to parley with the national authorities, whether political, military or ecclesiastical. When I came to these embassies, was staying at the Hotel Hispano Argentino or any other of Buenos Aires, on many occasions Retirement Barracks, where he went with them to the various interviews and hearings, completed them, accompanied them back, riding with them, heading for the border.

diplomat of pampas

During his services, made voyages of thousands of miles on horseback, always accompanied by a handful of soldiers and sometimes even risky venture alone, used to spend several days on the ranch, where he was taken and accepted thanks to the enormous respect and consideration that he had, every approach allowed him to retire taking captives and prisoners of the Indians.

This "man of two worlds" could speak the indigenous language and its various dialects perfectly, especially the Araucanian language Calfucurá, Namuncurá, Pins, etc., Managing appropriate terms to demonstrate to these leaders. Also had the valuable ability to deal with their commanders, in their own language Castilian, both military and national government, to reach agreements even-handed and finally met. This honesty in their behavior, allowed the Captain Solano always be well received in the tolderías to make new lives saved.

Once, during their patrols along the border, suddenly found themselves surrounded by a large number of Indians, Solano went with a small number of men. His soldiers, weapons in hand, prepared for a hasty retreat into the open, but the Captain ordered to stay still, he realized that acting this way all you would get would be the "chukar" in the back. In view of this, asked them to wait, to go to parliament to try to save their lives, and immediately decided and only went to an individual who, by his posture and appearance, it seemed was the leader of the Indians. After the parliament, where only God knows what he said, as a result of it all runs up to the toldería and after a few days returned safe and sound, even with a group of captives and prisoners, being escorted by the Indians to near the fort. This and many more episodes, are embodied in valuable manuscripts of the time which are contained in the historical archives of the Argentine Army, as a clear testimony to the prestige enjoyed by the illustrious azuleño.

During his life-long border, there are countless moments in the life of Captain Solano, which was five inches from tip of a spear, which managed to save his life, and many thanks to the prodigious ability possessed. Rufino

Solano acted in Estomba Fuertes, Blanca Arroyo Grande and Blue, among many others, and his military performance is considered one of the framers of the foundations of cities in Olavarria, San Carlos de Bolivar, where he touched serve. Rescue

prisoners from the city of Rosario, Santa Fe

the year 1873, at a crowded event, was delivered in the city of Rosario, province of Santa Fe, a gold medal award for its rescuing prisoners and captives services in that city residents. This mission, carried out with absolute success, had been commissioned by The Benevolent Society and the Beautiful Rescue Committee, both of Rosario. In that event also gave him a scroll of gratitude which states: "Rosario, August 5, 1873. Captain Don Rufino Solano: I is you participate satisfactorily address the "Social Club" I have the honor to chair the general assembly decided to give to you With a gold medal will be issued by the partner Don José de Caminos faces that are in your true expression of feelings that have inspired the "Social Club" to vote at your present this testimony of affection and gratitude for your gracious selflessness and generosity with which penetrated to the tolderías of the Indians of the Pampas to the rescue of Christian captives, leading to plausible results in difficult and dangerous mission entrusted to it by Rosario Rescue Committee. This company can not forget so precious services and resolved those feelings credit you with this weak but honorable testimony. Thus manifesting the desires of the "Social Club" of the Rosary, I am pleased to offer you all my consideration. Signed: Federico de la Barra (President). "
This event was played on the front pages of every newspaper in the city of Rosario and the Federal Capital, at that time. We think just playing the article in the first page of the edition of March 14, 1873, the newspaper "El Nacional", the main city of Buenos Aires, which reads verbatim: "COURT OF MERIT - Captain Solano, who was commissioned to rescue the captives of the Department of Rosario, returned yesterday that city, is where he tells us has received the most cordial hospitality of the Commission for the ransom of captives, and specialty of the circle called "Social Club", composed of the most distinguished and most learned of the Rosary society , whose association he discerned the honor to agree on a gold medal in memory of esteem and gratitude to their very important services. This act inspired as well be imitated on similar occasions by all the Argentine people, who are often oblivious to the true merit. It is an initiative that honors people of Rosario highly and evidence culture and delicate feelings, and doubly sympathetic to the "Social Club" which sent the most ardent and Argentine congratulations, by the act of social justice and morality that has just given a noble example to his country. The "Social Club" which is the Rosary so that the "Progress" is to Buenos Aires, opened their classrooms unless the afar (sic) pleasures of the mind, but it has an intelligent thought and transcendental to generous incentives, and must necessarily in order to influence the progress of the country. The journey follows Captain Solano (sic) to the border, is just full of satisfaction and gratitude. " Such actions were repeated many times during the life of Captain Solano.

After completing the conquest, Indians continued to seek Captain Rufino Solano to help them get land to live and many of them got through their great influence and prestige, leading to the President of the Nation, General Julio A. Roca, to make their just petitions, so did the Chief Sayhueque Valentine, Manuel Namuncurá, Lorenzo Paine-Mile, Queen of the Indians Catrieleros Bibiana Garcia, among many other chiefs more. In these territories obtained today Peden see Catriel locked cities, Valcheta and as many people within the territory of the provinces of Buenos Aires, La Pampa and Black River. White

Grande, Olavarria. Battle San Carlos, Bolivar. Calfucurá death.

Captain Rufino Solano participated in numerous battles in defense of the border towns, facing attack from Malone (San Carlos de Bolivar, Blue, Olavarria, Cacharí, Tapalqué, Tandil, Bahía Blanca, Tres Arroyos, etc.) Between they are worthy of mention their involvement in Blanca Grande under the command of Colonels and Alvaro Benito Barros Machado, laying the foundations of the modern city of Olavarria, and then, after 1868, remained in the city of Azul with Colonel Francisco Elijah. Following the orders of General Ignacio Rivas, and with the rank of captain, participated in the fierce and bloody battle of San Carlos, on March 8, 1872, opening the foundations of what is today the city of San Carlos de Bolivar, in the latter contest, which lasted all day, the Indians, recognizing him, shouted "decant Captain!". In this battle, in which he participated as head of the body of cowboys, and was due to its undisputed knowledge of the areas the Division of General Ignacio Rivas was able to make lightning-fast gear.
His intervention in San Carlos did not prevent this brave soldier, who shortly after this decisive battle, was again presented itself of the dreaded chief Juan toldería Calfucurá (Blue Stone) defeated his opponent, nicknamed "The Lord of the pampas and Patagonia, as almost a miracle that would not kill him, but not only did not it, but after a few days could retire taking with them dozens of captives to their homes .

This episode is unique and unforgettable, because Calfucurá, feeling die, on the night of July 3, 1873, and seeing Captain Solano vigil at his bed, touched by this gesture, told her to leave immediately, because then of his death would be executed along with all the captives. With limited time, so did the captain, and immediately after the death of the chief, left the raid in pursuit of rescue and captivity, is increasingly heard the terrifying screams coming from his pursuers and rode all night, finally managed to save the day after reaching safety. That was how Captain Rufino Solano was the last Christian who was alive in this legendary chief, who, in his last moments of life, was a majestic gesture of greatness and humanity. For this feat, Captain Solano was received with admiration and gratitude in Buenos Aires by Archbishop Aneiros, by the President of the Nation and his entire cabinet as a whole. Aneiros sent Monsignor place in the Archbishop's Palace, a plaque commemorating this singular event.

Their involvement with the Church.

About this maximum figure of the Church in Argentina, Archbishop Federico León Aneiros, as we called the "Father of the Indians," on numerous occasions, Captain Rufino Solano he acted as interpreter and liaison with various embassies indigenous leaders, with whom, this famous ecclesiastical authority of the country, held meetings in mentioned Hotel Hispano Argentino in Buenos Aires and in other occasions at the headquarters of the Archdiocese. On the initiative of this prelate, in 1872, took office on designated "Council for Conversion of the Indians to Catholicism, with the primary purpose of planning and carrying out evangelistic missions in border areas, where they were settled tribes Cipriano Catriel, Raylef, Coliqueo, Melinao and John Calfucurá (Blue Stone) and later his son Manuel Namuncurá and father of our Ceferino Namuncura.

The Church had previously tried an approach to Aboriginal, was well as in January 1859, Father Guimón, assisted by Fathers Harbustán and Larrouy, Bayonne, went into Blue to meet with the grand chief Cipriano Catriel, holding three meetings with this great leader. The first was promising, showing Catriel solicitous to serve the needs of priests. In the second interview, Fr Guimón presented its proposed projects evangelizing, telling him: "We are strangers, have consented to the sacrifice of leaving our country, our relatives and friends, with the sole purpose of making known the true religion ... It would be the chief desire be instructed in it? ". "- Do you even deny permission to teach the tribal people and especially children?". Everything seemed to provide for the affirmative response from the chief, however, after consulting the seer and the other chiefs, denoted Catriel denial. Finally, during the third contract, the chief said this: "We will not receive it on, not even once, even if only to satisfy their curiosity." Because of this clear and definite rejection shown by the Indians, the missionary had to return to Buenos Aires, totally frustrated seeing his attempt at rapprochement.

Fourteen years later, on January 25, 1874, up to Blue Father Jorge María Salvaire (Lazarus) with identical intentions to teach catechism and the sacraments, but this time telling the priest and the Church with the invaluable presence of intercessory accredited master Rufino Solano. Thus must penetrate the pampa, direction Namuncurá awnings, prudence and caution of this remarkable priest advised him to intervene "... Captain Rufino Solano, a man experienced in frontier life, which on several occasions and had attended the same purpose to Salinas Grandes, gaining the confidence of the chiefs and capitanejos, whose language was well aware of "(Bishop JG Duran, Ops. above.)

hereby certified the active participation and the benign influence of the captain Solano, the existence of kind and affectionate letters addressed to them during the talks: two sent by the chief Alvarito Reumay, dated February 15 and March 13, 1874 and a third sent by the chief Bernardo Namuncurá, the "scribe of the Pampas", dated March 13, 1874. It is well known that the latter, Bernard, was the one who saved the Father JM Salvaire when I was about to be killed by his brother, the chief Manuel Namuncura, both sons of John Calfucurá. (File Basilica of Our Lady of Luján, JM Salvaire, source cited).

the events are celebrated during the said talks. The providential intervention of that saved his life Namuncurá Bernardo Fr Salvaire, and subsequent promises made to the Virgin of Luján by Father Salvaire, which have given rise to the great Basilica and the process of beatification of the priest, which was being processed.

was how Captain Rufino Solano tried, worked and cleared the way into the mission, delayed nearly fifteen years, the virtuous and venerable Father Jorge María Salvaire, called "The mission of the desert and the Virgin of Luján," making and the Church have a much more frequent contact with the chiefs and fluid. That is evident in expressive correspondence exchanged by Chief Namuncurá and Archbishop Manuel Aneiros, noting that the presence of Captain Chief Solano leading the delegation was to meet the illustrious prelate, among other topics. (Chapter "Correspondence with the chiefs" op. cit, SL Cardenal Copello)

was the same Father Jorge María Salvaire who later laid the foundation stone of the Great Basilica of Our Lady of Luján, May 15 1887, then was his parish priest, and died in the city of Luján on February 4, 1899 at 51 years of age. His remains were deposited in the crypt located in the right transept of the great basilica at the foot of the image of the Miraculous Medal, beside the main altar, where they lie until today. For its part, the remains of Archbishop Aneiros rest in a mausoleum located on the right wing of the Cathedral of Buenos Aires, in the chapel dedicated to St. Martin of Tours.

Indeed, it is a real injustice to the ruined tomb of this remarkable military azuleño was located in the farthest corner, abandoned and forgotten cemetery in the city of Azul in a place without assistance, it could be difficult to locate .

For the meritorious work done by Captain Solano, along with these emblematic figures of the Church, there are many religious historians point out and refer it as a sign of appreciation for his valuable contribution, even in the most recent Today, the prominent historian Monsignor Dr. Juan Guillermo Duran, a member of the National Academy of History and Director of the Department of Church History, Faculty of Theology at the Catholic University of Argentina, in 2001, came to the city of Riviera to photograph the grave Captain Solano, publishing full-page in his book "In the Shade Catriel and Railef" (Editorial Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, 2002). For these reasons, solid and unquestionable, without a doubt, we can say that Captain Rufino Solano military remains the most loved and recognized by the Church.

even more valuable and highlights his speech, the fact that the figure represented the turning point between the army's role and action of the Church, whose positions and principles were at that time, their dissimilar natures, often conflicting, inconsistent and even incompatible.

To understand and appreciate the work of Captain Solano, must be placed in the difficult context and landscape of the time and in our homeland. In those days the border was like standing on the shore, there was nothing but horizon. In that timeframe, so hidden danger lurked, Indians, death, captivity. There were no trees or other natural obstacle to interrupt the view, during the exhausting crossings should be spending the night in the midst of that vastness, with nothing for shelter, there was only sky, earth and distances. Neither had to shelter from the harsh cold, rain, wind or heat. The same situation occurred in case you have to fight to the clever and cunning rival.

The marches lasted for days, weeks on end, you should carry enough supplies and plenty of horses to spare. The Indians sprang from the earth as if by magic. The sight of a ranch India is unimaginable, there are other captives and prisoners living in hell. If someone managed to escape, probably died in the endless desert.

Despite the merciless passage of time, this formidable being is a clear demonstration that when someone is truly great, can never be totally forgotten, because that greatness is the ability to overcome major obstacles such as indifference, weak memory and ingratitude. This is because the services of Captain Rufino Solano, knowledge, skill and courage were required from all sectors of the social sphere Argentina, beginning with desperate relatives begged him to rescue their loved ones, continuing the high command government, both political and military, and even as a result of the constant concern of the Church provide a solution to this difficult situation.

For decades, everyone knew who he was and where was the "captain savior" and he met everyone. There we find the explanation of his memories: just because you can not investigate our history without suddenly find their noble picture. Even today, the NDVI and beneficial presence has been studied and appreciated even in works of authors and foreign universities. Captive Women: Oblivion and Memory in Argentina. Susana Rotker, 2002, University of Minnesota, USA, Rutgers University, Wilson Center, 1977, New Jersey, USA; FTEs. Above). Captain Solano

lived and served his beloved country during his long, poor and lives sacrificed border, where they rarely got a salary from Buenos Aires.

Rufino was the son of Lieutenant Colonel (*) Don Patricios Regiment DIONISIO SOLANO (1777/1882), a brave warrior of the British Invasions and National Independence who served with General Manuel Belgrano during the campaigns to Paraguay and north, and later was the head of the caravan of the city's founding families of Blue, back in 1832, was originally Mayor (**) of it for over thirty years, dying in this age population percent five years. Antonio G. del Valle, Alberto Sarramona, Ricardo Piccirilli, Enrique Udaondo, Vicente O. Cutolo, John G. Duran, works cited .- (*) Reports of the Ministry of War and Navy, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1881 Edition, Volume II, Appendix A, p. 33. (**) Archives of the City of Blue, 1837, and Cathedral Church of Blue Magazine Byblos FTEs. Cited.

Less than five years after the founding of the city of Azul, our hero was born (1837), living in his hometown until his death on July 20, 1913. So certified baptismal record in the Cathedral Church of Blue, the National Census of 1869 and 1895 (the first and second in the country) and certification of his death, sitting on log local cemetery.

This exemplary human being who gave all for his fellow man, which hundreds of families owe their existence today, died poor, old and forgotten in his hometown and his name was Don Rufino SOLANO, captain of the Argentine army, and greatest pride was to be, as he always said, "a faithful servant of the country" .-

Author: Omar Horacio Alcantara

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- Cathedral "Our Lady of the Rosary, Blue City, Diocese of the same name, Province of Buenos Aires.
- Newspaper Bartholomew J. Ronco, City of Azul, Province of Buenos Aires.
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--------------------- (1): "He was manager or head of the convoy of carts Lt. Solano, father of Captain Rufino Solano (sic) "same work (A. del Valle, Chapter" Blue Foundation), same volume, p. 217 .- / / For his remarkable career, co-founder of Azul DIONISIO SOLANO, was promoted to Lieutenant. Lieutenant colonel. General Benjamin Victor, figure seated on Reports of the Ministry of War and Navy, Honorable Congreso de la Nación, Argentina, Buenos Aires, Issue 1881, p. 33 .-
------------------------------------ OCTOBER 2008 .-

PUBLISHED IN "THE FEDERAL", No. 205, APRIL 2008, Supplement to "The traditional" (No. 85). Directors: IGNACIO FILDANZA / OSCAR RAUL
Finucci .- ------------------------------------- -------

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